[CESG] CESG Omnibus Resolution for silverization of different CCSDS books

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Sun May 28 18:00:53 UTC 2017

Dear all,

Please find attached the CESG resolution concerning an "omnibus" 
silverization of several CCSDS books.  Please issue a CESG Poll asap, with 
due date of 12th June 2017, to concur with these silverizations, such that 
the CMC can approve them during its meeting at St Petersburg, Russia



CESG-R-2017-05-002  Request of "omnibus"silverization of several CCS and 
"Area orphan"documents

The CCSDS Engineering Steering Group,


The CESG has reviewed the status, relevance, and utility of the following 
books, concluding that
There does not exist any implementation and none are planned in the future 
and that
These books are not widely used
The CESG has agreed that these documents have no future value.


The CCSDS Policies for documents requires that they undergo a periodic 
review within the Areas (Sec 6.2.7) to approve reconfirmation, revision, 
or retirement, and that
This review has been done by the AD/DAD and they recommend their 
retirement and classification as silver books,

RESOLVES to request:

That the Secretariat create the necessary poll for the CESG to review and 
concur in the silverization of the following documents

Cross Support Service Area
910.11-B-1 Space Communication Cross Support?Service Management?Service 
910.14-G-1 Space Communication Cross Support?Service Management?Operations 
Document not appearing under any Area list of publications
A31.0-G-1 Unique Identification of CCSDS Objects and Services
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