[CESG] [CMC] CESG Report to CMC / Gippo to clarify IOAG/ICPA

Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int
Thu Jun 8 19:58:16 UTC 2017

        you wrote:
Page 101/120 :   Are these statements about IOAG interfaces also part of 
the liaison report ? Gippo to clarify  but the full IOAG ./ ICPA report 
will be put together by CESG Chair. This was my fault for not having taken 
out the chart and include it in the IOAG report. I will rearrange the 
charts in the next report update 

but I understand that there is nothing to clarify; ie. you just remove 
that slide from SLS part and use it to build the CESG comemnts to 



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