[CESG] REMINDER: Draft Notes of CESG meeting on 15th May 2017; Proposed changes to Technical Quality and consistency of CCSDS Books

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Thu Jun 1 07:14:38 UTC 2017


I was waiting until the due date for comments on the last version of the 
CESG notes

I fully agree with you about the key role of WGs in keeping the technical 
quality of documents, as stated in the YB. I consider this an essential 
AD/DAD task within its Area.

However I disagree to include the comments in something that was agreed 
during our meeting (even with a photo). I will distribute the current 
version of the CESG notes to all WGs 

I suggest the following:

The CESG Chair will monitor all the CESG conditions raised on any document 
poll from 1st June until 31st October 2017.
I will assess the conditions and present my views at the next CESG meeting 
on 10th November 2017

I will verbally mention the different point of views within the CESG. You 
can also address them with your Agency representative.


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