[CESG] [Ccsds-omg-liaison] Termologic response to the Vocabularies, Glossaries, or Ontologies for the Spacecraft Ground Systems Domain RFI available

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Fri Feb 17 07:49:47 UTC 2017


What you think it was an agreement, it is more your will than the reality.

I show below my 2 mails, which clearly suggest "to discuss further in the 
CESG" (i.e. no agreement.)

My current opinion is a no go, but this could change after our 

There was also a discussion on "liaisons" within the last CMC meeting (and 
the lack of procedural text in our YB). Our CMC Chair will draft some 
updates to our Proc & Org YB. As an example he suggested to add some text 
about the obligation of a liaison to deliver status presentation to the 
CMC for comments one week before the event.

The above mentioned issue is trivial when considering a CCSDS RFP 
submission to the OMG, with its implications from the 
resources/schedule/co-ordination point of view (take XTCE as example and 
the efforts deployed). My opinion is that type of CMC actions (i.e. RFP 
submission) shall also imply polls at CESG and CMC level. 

@ CMC : I copy you, but I will prepare an additional mail to make you 
aware of the situation.

We need to discuss during the next CESG webex the pro and cons of the way 
An OMG RFI means the production of an OMG standard and if we keep ours, 
synchronization will be an issue
I do not have a position but a bitter taste in my mouth after reading 
(between lines) the OMG opinions
Les 's discuss this at CESG level

A RFI, if accepted, will become in the future an OMG standard

A RFI is not a good way for collaboration 

And I agree that we need to further discuss with them

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