[CESG] CESG 2017 webex # 1: draft Agenda

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Thu Feb 2 10:54:01 UTC 2017

Dear all,

Please find below an updated Agenda

CESG Actions still open 
Docuemnt Status Queue
Polls with conditions not yet resolved
OMG Liaison: RFI on Vocabularies, Glossaries, Ontologies ?
Web info on recently completed reviews (including the issue of what will 
be stored and sent to the WG and who can get access to these inputs and 
New proposed DAI WG project including parallel ISO reviews: Is this a pro 
or a con ?
Approval of recommended text (see below) to amend the Procedures Yellow 
Book - to provide criteria for joining the working group mailing lists. 
(regarding external requests for individuals with no sponsoring agency.) 

As noted in my email of 25 Oct to the CESG, copied below, the current 
version of the CCSDS Org & Proc Doc (CCSDS a02x1y4c2) already does a 
rather complete job of identifying the rules for participation in working 
groups and other working parts of CCSDS organizations.  And the request 
for CWE login on the web site is also quite clear that some sort of review 
and approval, at least by AD or WG chair is required.  This does not 
explicitly include mention of Agency Sponsorship, and it probably should 
since sec requires it (see below).  
Aside from fixing the website, I think that all we need to do in order to 
tidy up this issue is to propose a couple of minor clarifying changes to 
a02x1y4c2, as follows:
Pg 5-2, Sec
From: Official CCSDS E-mail Lists 
The Secretariat shall maintain an e-mail list server and provide moderated 
announcement and discussion e-mail lists for all CCSDS organizational 
units, including WGs and BOFs. A Web interface shall be provided for 
access to list archives. 
The e-mail lists maintained by the Secretariat shall be the official CCSDS 
e-mail lists and shall be used for all official CCSDS correspondence 
distributed via e-mail to CCSDS 
organizational units. The Secretariat monitors, filters, and virus-scans 
all e-mail sent to CCSDS e-mail lists to remove SPAM and messages that 
contain viruses. 
To: Official CCSDS E-mail Lists 
The Secretariat shall maintain an e-mail list server and provide moderated 
announcement and discussion e-mail lists for all CCSDS organizational 
units, including WGs and BOFs. A Web interface shall be provided for 
access to list archives. 
The e-mail lists maintained by the Secretariat shall be the official CCSDS 
e-mail lists and shall be used for all official CCSDS correspondence 
distributed via e-mail to CCSDS 
organizational units. The Secretariat monitors, filters, and virus-scans 
all e-mail sent to CCSDS e-mail lists to remove SPAM and messages that 
contain viruses. 
Access to the working email lists shall be limited to individuals who are 
members of the CCSDS Working Groups or CCSDS leadership and who are 
approved participants in a Working Group (see Participation).  
Working Groups may, at their discretion, request creation of "WG-info" 
mailing lists for outreach that is broadly open to the public, but these 
shall not be used for normal Working Group operation.
And on pg 5-9, sec
From: Participation 
Working Group participation is generally limited to WG members; however, 
occasional participation by ad-hoc technical experts may take place. 
Working group members must be affiliated with member or observer agencies, 
or liaison or associate organizations. Any WG participant who does not 
meet these criteria must be endorsed by an authorized representative from 
a member or observer agency. 
To: Participation 
Working Group participation is generally limited to WG members; however, 
occasional participation by ad-hoc technical experts may take place. 
Working group members must be affiliated with member or observer agencies, 
or liaison or associate organizations. Any WG participant who does not 
meet these criteria must be endorsed by an authorized representative from 
a member or observer agency. 
Working Group participants should access the CCSDS online Collaborative 
Work Environment (CWE) on the web site (http://www.ccsds.org) to request a 
login credential.  This will be used to access CWE private working group 
areas and also to register for working meeting attendance.  CWE 
credentials must be approved by a sponsoring agency or the Secretariat.
This is obviously open for discussion and we need to also review with and 
get approval from the CESG and the CMC.
Regards, Peter
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