[CESG] [CMC] Request for nominees for CSTS WG Chair, Deputy Chair

Tafazoli, Siamak (ASC/CSA) Siamak.Tafazoli at canada.ca
Tue Aug 1 13:50:44 UTC 2017

Dear Erik,

Just to inform you that CSA does not have a nominee for these positions.

Thank you,

Siamak Tafazoli, Ph.D., P.Eng., PMP

Ingénieur principal, Gestion de projets, Utilisation de l'espace
Agence spatiale canadienne / Gouvernement du Canada
Siamak.Tafazoli at canada.ca / Tél. : 450-926-6471 / Tél. cell. : 450-341-0150

Senior Engineer, Project Management, Space Utilization
Canadian Space Agency / Government of Canada
Siamak.Tafazoli at canada.ca / Tel: 450-926-6471 / Cel. : 450-341-0150

From: CMC [mailto:cmc-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org] On Behalf Of Barkley, Erik J (3970)
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 4:43 PM
To: CCSDS Management Council (CMC at mailman.ccsds.org) (CMC at mailman.ccsds.org)
Cc: 'Margherita di Giulio'; Lassere Francois (Francois.Lassere at cnes.fr); CESG -- CCSDS-Engineering Steering Group (cesg at mailman.ccsds.org) (cesg at mailman.ccsds.org)
Subject: [CMC] Request for nominees for CSTS WG Chair, Deputy Chair

Dear CMC Members,

The current Cross Support Transfer Services (CSTS) WG Chair (Margherita di Giulio) and Deputy Chair (Francois Lassere) have both indicated that they will be stepping down from their working group roles.

If your agency has a nominee for either of these roles please feel free to identify the nominee and role and provide some brief background information as to qualification. Doing so by 1 September 2017 will be much appreciated.  The effective date for the new Working Group Chair and Deputy Chair will be 1 January 2018.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Erik Barkley

Cross Support Services Area Director

Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems


+1 818.393.4972

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