[CESG] Reconfirmation Review due date vs. date of last Corrigemdum

Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int
Fri Apr 7 07:52:09 UTC 2017

"Shames, Peter M (312B)" <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov> wrote on 06/04/2017 

> I'll also point out to Tom that it's a little confusing to track in 
> this table what the real "reconfirmation review" date is when there 
> have been corrigenda applied.  I suggest that the most current 
> reconfirmation review date should be shown for the parent document, 
> but updated to align with the most recent corrigendum.  When we 
> download a document by number we get the latest, with Corrigenda 
> applied, so that's really the relevant date for the document.  It's 
> a twiddle to the table, but a useful one, I think.

I agree with Tom's approach.
The presence of a Technical (or even Editorial) Corrigendum shall not move 
the Reconfirmation Review due date as a Corrigendum does not imply a 
complete review of the document.

My cent.....


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