[CESG] FW: Proposed text for SC13-CCSDS and SC14 agreement
Shames, Peter M (312B)
peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Oct 25 13:53:19 UTC 2016
Dear CMC,
Please see attached the proposed DRAFT TEXT of an SC 13 / SC 14 agreement. This is provided for your information and please do note that it is a draft statement. The primary intent is to provide an umbrella under which the SC 13 and SC 14 can work on common architecture issues. There are some known point of contact, particularly in the MOIMS Nav WG and in the SEA SAWG. The particular request was focused on SEA SAWG and use and extension to the Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems (RASDS). The request is in somewhat broader terms than that, but this is not the intent.
If you have issues with this please provide them now so we can work them into the final text.
Thanks, Peter
From: Peter Shames <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at 2:59 PM
To: Nick Tongson <NickT at aiaa.org>
Cc: Eduardo Bergamini <e.w.bergamini at uol.com.br>, James Afarin <james.afarin at nasa.gov>, Nestor Peccia <Nestor.Peccia at esa.int>, Paul Gill - SC14 Chair <paul.gill at nasa.gov>, Fred Slane <frederick.slane at gmail.com>, Fred Slane <freds at spacestandards.org>
Subject: Re: Proposed text for SC13-CCSDS and SC14 agreement
Dear all,
Thank you for providing this. Since the subject matter of SC 13 & SC 14 is largely distinct, I would suggest a modification to this text, as noted.
Thanks, Peter
SC14 and SC13/CCSDS agree there is a common, complimentary basis for standards development. From that basis, they agree to the evolution of a common reference architecture representation. They agree to exchange information on the evolution of architecture elements such as reference architecture documents, where relevant. They agree to the continued collaboration on standards with common interests.
Sent from Peter's iPhone 6
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but not simpler.
~Albert Einstein
On Oct 19, 2016, at 7:43 PM, Nick Tongson <NickT at aiaa.org<mailto:NickT at aiaa.org>> wrote:
Hello Eduardo, James:
As the chair of SC13 and CMC, respectively, please see text below from the SC14 Secretariat concerning a proposed agreement between the two subcommittees. This is for your consideration at the management meetings next week in Rome.
Please note that the proposed text below has not been officially approved by SC14. However, the SC14 Secretariat agrees with its circulation to the SC14 membership for ballot and approval.
SC14 and SC13/CCSDS agree there is a common, complimentary basis for standards development. From that basis, they agree to the evolution of a common architecture. They agree to exchange information on the evolution of architecture elements such as architecture documents, where relevant. They agree to the continued collaboration on standards with common interests.
Kind regards,
Nick Tongson
For the Secretariat of ISO/TC 20/SC 14
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