[CESG] CESG Poll Closure Reminder
CCSDS Secretariat
thomas.gannett at tgannett.net
Mon Oct 10 10:00:00 UTC 2016
Dear CESG Members,
The closure date for the following polls is 14 October 2016.:
- CESG-P-2016-09-003 Approval to publish CCSDS 540.0-G-1, Telerobotic
Operations (Green Book, Issue 1)
- CESG-P-2016-09-004 Approval to release CCSDS 320.0-P-6.1, CCSDS
Spacecraft Identification Field Code Assignment Control Procedures
(Pink Book, Issue 6.1) for CCSDS Agency review
These polls can be accessed via the following link:
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