[CESG] UPDATE: SEA Resolution SEA-R-2016-07-001: Request publication of revised CCSDS SCID Code Assignment Control Procedures
Thomas Gannett
thomas.gannett at tgannett.net
Tue Jul 12 12:30:18 UTC 2016
The historical perspective:
The GSCID Assignment Control Procedures book was created by the Management
Council and published by fiat as a Blue Book in the early days of the CCSDS.
It has since then been maintained by the Secretariat. It has never been to
Agency review, and it has never before been presented to the CESG for
SEA has taken over the document, so it will now have to suffer the slings
and arrows of CESG political technical discussion. But everyone should keep
in mind that the book is 1) just a very simply procedural instruction and 2)
nevertheless actually very important to assure that GSCIDs are assigned (and
relinquished) in an orderly manner.
Sending the book to Agency review could be seen as a needless waste of
resources as well as time. Probably it should simply be made a Yellow Book
at this point, but the original intent of the Management Council was to have
a normative procedure that applied outside the CCSDS, even though the
primary users are the Agency Heads of Delegation.
Thomas Gannett
thomas.gannett at tgannett.net
+1 443 472 0805
From: Nestor.Peccia at esa.int [mailto:Nestor.Peccia at esa.int]
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 5:57 AM
To: Shames, Peter M (312B)
Cc: CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec; CESG; CCSDS Secretariat;
SANA Steering Group(SSG); Tom Gannett
Subject: UPDATE: [CESG] SEA Resolution SEA-R-2016-07-001: Request
publication of revised CCSDS SCID Code Assignment Control Procedures
Apologies for a 2nd mail, but I had to retrieve some paragraph from the
I believe that you can not issue a resolution for publication of a Magenta
Book without having gone through an Agency Review, even if CESG and CMC have
reviewed it.
I suggest that you change your resolution according to these terms.
Otherwise we will introduce a precedence on the "per saltum", i.e. if CESG /
CMC have reviewed a MB, we do not need an Agency Review.
I, as CESG Chair, am not in favour of such an approach.
From: "Shames, Peter M (312B)" <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
To: "CCSDS Secretariat" <secretariat at mailman.ccsds.org>, "Tom
Gannett" <thomas.gannett at tgannett.net>
Cc: "SANA Steering Group\(SSG\)" <ssg at mailman.ccsds.org>, "CCSDS
Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec" <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Date: 11/07/2016 22:42
Subject: [CESG] SEA Resolution SEA-R-2016-07-001: Request publication
of revised CCSDS SCID Code Assignment Control Procedures
Sent by: "CESG" <cesg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org>
[attachment "320x0b6c1_mods_7-12July16.docx" deleted by Nestor
Dear CCSDS Secretariat,
Please find attached the SEA resolution concerning the request for
publication of the revised CCSDS SCID Code Assignment Control Procedures
Magenta Book. The major changes are the inclusion of frequency band bins
for allocation of GSCIDs, references to the new registries defined in the
RMP, and re-classifying the document as a Magenta Book based upon its type.
Thanks, Peter
SEA-R-2016-07-001 Request publication of revised CCSDS SCID Code Assignment
Control Procedures
The System Engineering Area,
The SEA SANA Steering Group (SSG) has produced a revision of the existing
The source document, CCSDS 320.0-B-1, was originally directly published as a
CMC document, and that
The specific major changes to the document have already been reviewed and
agreed to by the CESG and CMC, and that
The SSG Members concur that this draft is ready for publication.
A CCSDS Area Director is responsible for requesting CESG concurrence prior
to publication, and that
The CCSDS Organization and Processes (A02.1-Y-4 cor 2) in Section
requests that the AD forward the draft documents to the CESG, and
notify the Chief Technical Editor.
The CCSDS Organization and Processes (A02.1-Y-4 cor 2) in Section
now defines this type of book (a process or procedure description) as a
Magenta Book, and that
Sec 6.2.7 requires periodic review and re-confirmation of Normative Track
RESOLVES to request:
That the Chief Technical Editor ready the document for review, and that
The document be re-classified as a Magenta Book, to properly characterize it
based on its contents, and that
The Secretariat create the necessary CESG poll to request the CESG review
and approval of this document, and that
Once the CESG poll succeeds that the CMC be polled to approve the document
for direct publication, as it was in its original form.
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