[CESG] FW: Vocabularies, Glossaries, or Ontologies for the Spacecraft Ground Systems Domain RFI available

Mario.Merri at esa.int Mario.Merri at esa.int
Fri Dec 16 09:06:13 UTC 2016

Dear Peter,

this was exactly why I had raised already in August with the CESG the 
issue of potential overlaps with the OMG. The glossary was one of the 
points that I had listed. I certainly agree to take action on this, but I 
would like to agree with the CESG which action I should take. I see two 

1. I could do what you propose and respond to the RFI (by the way ESA is 
no longer an OMG member, can I still submit and RFI?)

2. I could discuss with the OMG liaison, Jon Siegel, and agree on a plan 
of action to avoid the overlap.

I would think that option 2 should be explored first, but I am open to 



From:   "Shames, Peter M (312B)" <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
To:     "Mario Merri" <Mario.Merri at esa.int>
Cc:     "CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec" 
<cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Date:   15/12/2016 23:50
Subject:        FW: Vocabularies, Glossaries, or Ontologies for the 
Spacecraft Ground Systems Domain RFI available

Hi Mario,
As the CCSDS PoC for the OMG I'd like to suggest that you respond to this 
RFI for us.  I think that we should point the OMG to the CCSDS Glossary 
and dictionary of terms that are published on the SANA website (
http://sanaregistry.org/r/glossary/glossary.html).  I also think that we 
should make the point that all of these are from published international 
standards and that many are from ISO standards.
Is this something that you can do and do you agree to do it and follow up 
with them?
Meanwhile I also suggest that all of the CESG review their current 
standards and make sure that they, and any new terms that are defined in 
them, are included in the Glossary by asking the SANA to make any needed 
updates using the registry form (
Thanks, Peter
From: Juergen Boldt <juergen at omg.org>
Date: December 15, 2016 at 11:28:44 AM EST
To: Recipient list suppressed:;
Subject: Vocabularies, Glossaries, or Ontologies for the Spacecraft Ground 
Systems Domain RFI available
the Vocabularies, Glossaries, or Ontologies for the Spacecraft Ground 
Systems Domain RFI issued at the recent Coronado TC meeting is now 
available with the document number space/2016-12-01 at
The RFI's work in progress page is located at

RFI responses are due February 27, 2017
Best reegards,


Juergen Boldt
Vice President, Member Services
Object Management Group
109 Highland Ave
Needham, MA 02494 USA

Tel:  +1 (781) 444 0404 x 132
fax:  +1 (781) 444 0320



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