[CESG] RE: CESG Chair Cross-check: online strategic plan, WG charters, approved / draft projects: Part 3 CSS Area

Barkley, Erik J (3970) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Sep 24 00:34:25 UTC 2015


The CSS Area has completed the requested actions.  Some of the requested actions have different results than the action requested.  Comments have been provided in this case.

Best regards,


From: Nestor.Peccia at esa.int [mailto:Nestor.Peccia at esa.int]
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 6:26 AM
To: Barkley, Erik J (3970) <erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov>; Margherita.di.Giulio at esa.int; Colin.Haddow at esa.int; francois.lassere at cnes.fr
Cc: cesg at mailman.ccsds.org; cmc at mailman.ccsds.org; CCSDS Secretariat (secretariat at mailman.ccsds.org) <secretariat at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: CESG Chair Cross-check: online strategic plan, WG charters, approved / draft projects: Part 3 CSS Area

Dear all,

This is part 3 (out of  6) of the CESG sanity check on the above mentioned items.

Goal is to deliver a consistent short-, medium- and long-term Strategic Plan to the CMC on 1st Oct 2015

CSS Area

CWE CCSDS Strategic Plan
                                Note: AD/DAD to follow update procedure distributed by Secretariat (i.e. Brian Oliver)

  1.  CSS Content                Erik Barkley / Margherita Di Giulio to update text according to CESG comments (if any)
EB: 23Sep15: No comments from CESG; changes listed in email of 31 August 2015.

  1.  CSS Links                Erik Barkley / Margherita Di Giulio to update links as follows
Document type 3        Add published CCSDS 912.11-O-1 SLE - Enhanced Forward CLTU Service  EB: Done, but as a type 2 document per latest email exchange, Nestor/Gippo

     *   Document type 4        Add CCSDS Doc 920.0-G Cross Support Transfer Services - Specification Framework Concept   (it is a green book) EB: Done (by Margherita)
     *   Document type 5        Delete CCSDS Doc 920.0-G Cross Support Transfer Services - Specification Framework Concept    (it is a green book) EB: Done (by Margherita)
Delete Doc 902.3-B Cross Support Service Management : Trayectory Prediction Data Format (BB) EB: Not done; retained as is; CNES has indicated prototype resources; resolution for projection creation will be released soon
     *   Document Type 6        Add  Doc 902.3-B Cross Support Service Management : Trayectory Prediction Data Format (BB) EB: Not done; retained as is; CNES has indicated prototype resources; resolution for projection creation will be released soon
Clarify if the following docs are different (and leave it) or duplicate (and delete one)

        *   CWE Doc. TBD Generic File Transfer   EB: Deleted.

        *   CWE Doc. TBD Terrestrial Generic File Transfer-Normative Adaptation Profile Recommendation (Blue Book) EB: Moved to Type 5 as CNES has also indicated prototype resources for this as well and resolution for projection creation will be released soon
CWE CCSDS Projects: All Open Approved Projects

  *   5 SLE Services pink sheet reviews (finishing Agency Review) are not taken into account, because the books are referenced as published EB: Okay - this is just a statement, correct? Taken to mean no action required.
  *   SLE Internet Protocol for Transfer Services (BB) is not addressed, because if CMC poll is successful the book will be published EB: Okay - this is just a statement, correct? Taken to mean no action required.

CWE CCSDS Projects: All Draft Projects

  1.  3.03 SM WG Erik Barkley / Colin Haddow to update Project if needed
     *   Is the end date (Feb 2016) for Project "Cross Support Service Management: Trajectory Prediction Data Format " achievable? If not, please insert credible start / end dates. EB: This will be adjusted as part of the imminent resolution for project creation.

  1.  3.04 CSTS WG        Margherita Di Giulio / Francois Lassere to update following Draft projects
     *   Create CSTS Forward Farme Service Insert only start / end dates in the future. EB: Done (by Margherita)
     *   Create CSTS Service Control  Insert only start / end dates in the future. EB: Done (by Margherita)

CWE WG Charters

  1.  CSTS WG Charter         Margherita Di Giulio / Francois Lassere
     *   Suggestion to include the CSTS Forward Frame Service and the Service Control EB: Done (by Margherita)

If you need support to implement the changes please contact Brian Oliver



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