[CESG] Minutes from SANA Steering Group (SSG) Telecon - 11 May 15
Shames, Peter M (312B)
peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu May 14 22:35:54 UTC 2015
Dear SSG (and CESG) members,
Please see the appended minutes of the telecon held on 11 May 2015 and the attached presentation that was used for talking points,. The PPT has been updated to reflect the discussions during the telecon.
Thanks, Peter
SANA Steering Group (SSG) Telecon - 11 May 15
Attendees: Shames (SEA/JPL) - Chair, Kazz (SLS/JPL), Scott (SIS/MITRE), Gannett (Secretariat), Schiltknecht (SANA), Blanchet (SANA), deCola (DLR), JF (SANA), Nichols (Secretariat), Barkley (CSS/JPL), Merri (MOIMS/ESA), di Giulio (CSS/ESA)
1. Discuss SANA Steering Group membership
2. Review driving issues for registry management
3. Review proposed changes to the SANA Yellow Book (CCSDS 313x0y1)
4. Review draft Registry Management Policy document (new Yellow Book)
5. Timeline for changes (assuming consensus on approach)
1. SANA Steering Group (SSG) Membership
* Several of the members of the current SSG have retired from CCSDS
* There are now new tasks that the SSG must be able to support, including this one of re-engineering the existing SANA procedures, policies, and registries
* For now the members of the SSG will be amended to include those who have expressed an interest in this topic, I.e. those who participated in this telecon and others who may request membership
* The SOIS is the only area not represented
* The CCSDS Secretariat (especially Brian Oliver) must be included in the re-engineering / implementation discussions
2. Driving Issues for registry management
* The attached presentation on Registry Management was reviewed (updates made to refect consensus discussions).
* There was agreement that we would need to separate discussion of content and process from discussion of implementation approaches.
* Agreement that the Secretariat technical staff, especially Brian Oliver, would need to be present for the implementation discussion.
* There was broad agreement that this overall approach of establishing a single common set of agency, organization, and point of contact registries, with appropriate unique identifiers and roles makes sense.
* There was broad agreement that having these registries in one, and only one, on-line location that is also web accessible (browser & REST-ful API) would be of value to minimize the cost and overhead of management and for ease of access and direct use.
* General agreement and understanding that the core of the proposed organization & person registries could be built upon the existing SCID and MACAO registries and processes for these kinds of data, but that separate, different, data object registries and processes (SCID, MACAO) would need to be retained.
* There was agreement that we are increasingly creating more registries that include overlapping elements (agencies, suppliers, providers, etc) and that these could be consolidated if we add the necessary attributes to recognize different roles and responsibilities.
* Agreement that we should adopt a set of unique identifiers (ISO OIDs proposed) as unambiguous "handles" for most of the managed registry objects and to use these for cross-referencing the different database tables.
* Discussion that the SANA system engineering effort is really a CESG issue, but that the SEA has the lead for sorting it out.
* The lack of multi-agency & multi-WG resources to do this work are an acknowledged issue
* There is a concern about the impact of changes in the SANA on the existing CCSDS web site, and recognition that this needs to be worked (TG)
* Concern that we now have several different "people" type registries that each need to separately be updated and coordinated whenever there are changes (MB, AS)
* There is a concern that we work on the XML and terminology registries and better engineer these, but this is a larger and longer range issue (MM)
* Concern about the possible impact on in process (and existing) standards some of which are now defining new registries (EB)
* Concern about the timeline to get this work done, suggestion that we deal first with "low hanging fruit" (EB)
* Concern about the potential amount of work to properly engineer the SANA information model and OID registries (EB and others)
Agreed approach:
* First update the existing SANA Yellow Book
* Add new registry request / creation procedure to clarify what is expected of the WGs
* Include SANA Expert Group section from Registry Management draft
* Require that the SSG, which includes the SANA Operator, be in the early review path for any docs that include new registries
Require that any new registries use existing registries if they need to reference agencies, organizations, persons instead of creating new
* Discuss implementation issues with the Secretariat technical staff to arrive at agreed approach to minimize impact and future operations costs
* Start to adapt existing agency and service / data provider registries to add the necessary attribute and identifier fields
* Align new standards that need agency and service / data provider registry references to use these adapted registries
* Update, review, and approve the new SANA Registry Management Policy & Procedure document
* Limit initial work to the agency / organization registry, the person registry, the ISO OID registry, and the overall registry groupings
* Make changes to the existing SCID / MACAO and Nav docs to align them
* Work on other registry normalizations as a second priority: XML, terminology, URN, SANA overall
3. Review proposed changes to the SANA Yellow Book (CCSDS 313x0y1)
* Discussed briefly, but deferred for a follow up session
4. Review draft Registry Management Policy document (new Yellow Book)
* Contents and process discussed in the context of the presentaiton, but the document review was deferred for a follow up session
5. Timeline for changes (assuming consensus on approach)
* Discussed in context of the presentation, reflected in part in agreed approach
6. Action Items
* Send out minutes, by 14 May, Shames
* Add attendees to the SSG mailing list, remove retired members (you may select out if you wish), by 19 May, Shames
* Produce an updated draft of the SANA YB, distribute to SSG, by 29 May, Shames
* Schedule the next telecon, Shames
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