[CESG] Re: IOAG - CCSDS Report
Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Fri Mar 20 10:45:20 UTC 2015
The Optical Comms and the CFDP Projects have been updated in the ICPA.
Status was changed from "under review" to "agreed"
We take note of the change of "IOAG need dates for the CSTS and SDLS
Projects. Thanks to adapt the need dates to the CCSDS requests.
CCSDS Secretariat has to remove the CSTS Return Unframed TM from the ICPA.
I have asked already them to do it.
From: Michael Schmidt/esoc/ESA
To: Nestor Peccia/esoc/ESA at ESA,
Cc: Jean-Marc.Soula at cnes.fr, martin.pilgram at dlr.de,
rolf.kozlowski at dlr.de, shigeta.tsutomu at jaxa.jp,
philip.e.liebrecht at nasa.gov, rfc at rniikp.ru, peter.allan at stfc.ac.uk,
siahn at kari.re.kr, pierre.jean at asc-csa.gc.ca, ken.lord at asc-csa.gc.ca,
xuyansong at cnsa.gov.cn, fabio.damico at asi.it, nprao at isro.gov.in,
li.lj at 263.net.cn, heshanbao at cast.cn, stephanie.wan at nasa.gov,
barbara.adde at nasa.gov, Gian Paolo Calzolari/esoc/ESA at ESA
Date: 11/03/2015 13:35
Subject: IOAG - CCSDS Report
Dear Nestor,
please find in following a small input from IOAG to CCSDS concerning an
update of the ICPA implemented by Jean-Marc and Gian-Paolo.
The following rows of ICPA have got today an IOAG update.
CSTS Return Unframed Telemetry (this can be removed from ICPA)
CSTS Transfer File Service
CSTS Offline Radio Metric Service
Space Data Link Security (SDLS) protocol : extended procedures
Please note that we would appreciate an update of the CCSDS position for
the following projects having actually "Under Review" as CCSDS Response:
Optical Communications (Four CWE Projects)
CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) Update -- Blue Book
The agenda of the next IOAG meeting will include a discussion concerning
the future evolution of the Service Catalogues . It is possible that the
IOAG will recommend a revision of the Service Catalogues 1 and 2 to keep
them up-to-date with the recent evolutions.
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