[CESG] SOIS APP WG-R-2015-03-01, Resolution concerning nomination of a new SOIS APP WG Chair

chris.taylor at esa.int chris.taylor at esa.int
Mon Mar 9 09:47:54 UTC 2015

CESG Chair

The following Resolution has been approved by the SOIS AD


SOIS APP  WG-R-2015-03-01, Resolution concerning nomination of a new SOIS APP
WG Chair


CONSIDERING that the current CCSDS SOIS APP WG chair, Stuart Fowell, has
resigned from CCSDS and can no longer perform this role

and RECOGNIZING the excellent work that Stuart and the rest of the WG have
done under his leadership,

would like to thank Stuart for his service as the SOIS Apps WG Chair;

and further

RECOMMENDS that Jonathan Wilmot (NASA/GSFC) be nominated as the SOIS APP WG

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