[CESG] Update of on-line startegic plan by ADs

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Mon Aug 31 17:49:27 UTC 2015


Dear all
>From our last webex, you will find below the way forward agreed to update 
the on-line strategic plan. Some areas (e.g. SOIS, MIMS) already 
distributed the udated text to the whole CESG
Update of on-line Strategic Plan
SEA: some updates
CSS: need to take a view
MOIMS: some updates
SLS: did some changes
SIS: need to take a view
SOIS: need to take a view
All changes need to be completed by end August 2015.

Every AD will distribute the Area changes (word file with track changes 
on) to the CESG for comments.

WG Chairs have to update their charters (if needed)  to include approved 
and draft projects
I would like to propose the following

Those Areas that still need to distribute the proposed changes to the 

please do it at the latest by 1st Sept 2015 cob

Comments to the updated text by the CESG at the latest by 11th Sept 2015 

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