[CESG] Nuntio Vobis Gaudium Magnum (from SOIS and SLS)

Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int
Tue Oct 21 16:01:21 UTC 2014

Dear All,
        I would like to inform you that, with respect to the overlap issue 
discussed in the CESG, today SOIS and SLS Area have agreed today the 
following split of responsibilities:

SLS Responsibilities include:
1) point-to-point links for Planetary Communications
2) multi-point links for Planetary Communications utilising CCSDS data 
link and physical layer protocols
3) consideration of usage of Radio Frequency bands over space-ground and 
space-space links 

SLS can therefore define mission scenarios/profiles for Planetary 
Communications, as well as functional & performance requirements and 
develop the pertinent Standards (Magenta or Blue Books) according to the 
points 1..3 listed above.

SOIS Responsibilities include:
A) networked multi-point links utilising commercial wireless network 
technologies for Communications onboard a space vehicle or habitat and/or 
surface links within the proximity of that vehicle or habitat.
B) cooperation with the SLS Area for matters related to usage of Radio 
Frequency bands 

SOIS can therefore define mission scenarios/profiles for Vehicle and 
vicinity Communications, as well as functional & performance requirements 
and develop the pertinent Standards (Magenta or Blue Books) according to 
the points  A..B listed above.

Charters and CWE Projects of the affected WGs in SLS and SOIS Areas are to 
be made consistent with the above set of responsibilities (if not 
consistent now).

Best regards to you all and my particular thanks to Chris and Gilles for 
the pro active collaboration.

Gian Paolo

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