[CESG] my suggestion w.r.t. prospective projects

Kearney, Mike W. (MSFC-EO01) mike.kearney at nasa.gov
Tue Nov 18 16:57:06 UTC 2014

If you look at the project list, a status of "pending" (vs. "approved") shows the "project planned" items.  They are simply submitted but not approved.  The problem is the teams are complaining because the "original dates" are unchangeable by the WG chairs, and they don't want to be held to their initial schedule guesses long-term.

Brian, Peter's suggestion about the Original Dates being changeable until the status changes to "approved"...  Is that easy to implement?  Actually it needs to be until *submitted* for approval, because we don't want the WGs changing them after they are submitted for a CMC vote.  So the phases would be:

*         Prospective

*         Submitted for approval

*         Approved

*         Completed

*         (and Grandfathered...  we need to figure out how to get rid of these).

And only the prospective phase allows editing of the original dates.

   -=- Mike

Mike Kearney
Lead Technology Manager
Mission Operations Laboratory

From: Shames, Peter M (312B) [mailto:peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 4:47 PM
To: Scott, Keith L.; Brian Oliver (ccsds_techsupport at aiaa.org)
Cc: Kearney, Mike W. (MSFC-EO01); CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec (cesg at mailman.ccsds.org)
Subject: Re: [CESG] my suggestion w.r.t. prospective projects

I read the discussion as being a distinction between "project planned" and "project approved".  Those future planning projects are not approved and do not have resources.

Once they are submitted for approval, with resources and start dates, then it seems like the right time to lock down the start date.

Is that a useful distinction?


From: <Scott>, Keith Scott <kscott at mitre.org<mailto:kscott at mitre.org>>
Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 8:43 AM
To: CCSDS Tech Support <ccsds_techsupport at aiaa.org<mailto:ccsds_techsupport at aiaa.org>>
Cc: Mike Kearney <Mike.Kearney at nasa.gov<mailto:Mike.Kearney at nasa.gov>>, CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>>
Subject: [CESG] my suggestion w.r.t. prospective projects

Would be a checkbox that says 'temporary' (or something), that is initially checked.  While it's checked, you can edit EVERYTHING.  Once it gets unchecked, the project transitions from 'wishful thinking' to 'running'.


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