[CESG] SLS Area: Goals / Project Checks needed in the WGs

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Mon Nov 3 09:16:47 UTC 2014

Dear all,

As the CESG and CMC will review the current Strategic Plan during our 
planned joint meeting at London, it is recommended to
check the Area goals and update if needed (
check the links wrt published books and update if needed (
cross check the schedule of our current books under production and update 
if needed
include the future work as CWE Projects with a start date (realistic 
please) in the future 

ADs have edit permission to the CWE Strategic Plan (
http://cwe.ccsds.org/fm/sp/default.aspx), and they shall check 
(co-ordinating with the related WG Chair) and update
in particular

Evolution of RFM recommendations BB             Is Schedule realistic ? If 
not, include new estimated completion date ?
Planetary Communications System GB              Is Schedule realistic ? If 
not, include new estimated completion date ?
GMSK Telemetry and PN Ranging GB                Is Schedule realistic ? If 
not, include new estimated completion date ?

Future Work
RFM Part 1 with modulation scheme for 26 Ghz    Include Project in CWE 
with realistic start date in the future (resources?)
RFM Part 1 with high rate TM and ranging                Include Project in 
CWE with realistic start date in the future (resources?)
Prox 1 SLP 5 yr review                          Include Project in CWE 
with realistic start date in the future (resources?)
RFM Part 1 with MPSA                            Include Project in CWE 
with realistic start date in the future (resources?)
RFM Part 1with higher order modulations         Include Project in CWE 
with realistic start date in the future (resources?)
No more standards foreseen after 2017                   Goals achieved ? 
WG to be disbanded ? or Schedule to be adapted ?

C&S WG                   
Next Generation Uplink Coding  BB                       Is Schedule 
realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?
Short (64, 128, 256 bit ) LDPC codes for uplink   OB    Is Schedule 
realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?
TM Channel Coding for DVB-S2, GB                        Is Schedule 
realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?
TM Channel Coding for SCCC, GB                  Is Schedule realistic ? If 
not, include new estimated completion date ?
Update TM channel coding with LDPC slicing  BB  Is Schedule realistic ? If 
not, include new estimated completion date ?
VCM Systems for CCSDS   MB                      Is Schedule realistic ? If 
not, include new estimated completion date ?

Future Work
ACM Systems for CCSDS MB                        Include Project in CWE 
with realistic start date in the future (resources?)
Erasure Coorecting codes for low SN ratio BB    Include Project in CWE 
with realistic start date in the future (resources?)

 Image Data Compression, Issue 2  BB            Is Schedule realistic ? If 
not, include new estimated completion date (resources?)?
Lossless MHIC GB                                        Is Schedule 
realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date (resources?)?
Spectral Pre-Processing Transform for MHIC BB   Is Schedule realistic ? If 
not, include new estimated completion date (resources?)?
No more standards foreseen after 2016                   Goals achieved ? 
WG to be disbanded ? or Schedule to be adapted ?

AOS SDLP 5-year Review + SDLS Rqmt  BB          Is Schedule realistic ? If 
not, include new estimated completion date (resources?)?
Next Generation SDLP BB                                 Insert realistic 
start date in the future (resources?)
Next Generation SDLP GB                         Insert realistic start 
date in the future (resources?)
SDLP GB                                         Insert realistic start 
date in the future (resources?)
TC SDLP Issue 3: SDLS Rqmt  BB                  Is Schedule realistic ? If 
not, include new estimated completion date (resources?)?
TM SDLPl 5-year Review + SDLS Rqmt  BB          Is Schedule realistic ? If 
not, include new estimated completion date (resources?)?

Future Work
Prox-1 SLP Data Link Layer 5 yr review BB               Include Project in 
CWE with realistic start date in the future (resources?)
No more standards foreseen after 2018                   Goals achieved ? 
WG to be disbanded ? or Schedule to be adapted ?
SDL Security WG
SDL Security (SDLS) extended procedures  BB     Is Schedule realistic ? If 
not, include new estimated completion date ?
SDL Security Ops Concept Issue 1 GB             Is Schedule realistic ? If 
not, include new estimated completion date ?
SDL Security Ops Concept  Issue 2  GB           Is Schedule realistic ? If 
not, include new estimated completion date ?
SDL Security Protocol  BB                               Is Schedule 
realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?
No more standards foreseen after 2017                   Goals achieved ? 
WG to be disbanded ? or Schedule to be adapted ? 

Optical WG
Coding & Synchronization  BB                            Is Schedule 
realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?
Concepts and Terminologies  GB                  Is Schedule realistic ? If 
not, include new estimated completion date ? 
Physical Layer  BB                                      Is Schedule 
realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?
RT Weather and Atmospheric Characteriz. Data  GB        Is Schedule 
realistic ? If not, include new estimated completion date ?
No more standards foreseen after 2018                   Goals achieved ? 
WG to be disbanded ? or Schedule to be adapted ?

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