[CESG] Fw: UPDATE: IOAG Action ID: 18a-05
Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Thu Jul 31 11:52:36 UTC 2014
----- Forwarded by Nestor Peccia/esoc/ESA on 31/07/2014 13:52 -----
From: Michael Schmidt/esoc/ESA
To: Gian Paolo Calzolari/esoc/ESA at ESA, Nestor Peccia/esoc/ESA at ESA,
Date: 31/07/2014 08:18
Subject: Fw: UPDATE: IOAG Action ID: 18a-05
for info
----- Forwarded by Michael Schmidt/esoc/ESA on 31/07/2014 08:18 -----
From: donotreply at ioag.org
To: fabio.damico at asi.it, Jean-Marc.Soula at cnes.fr,
ganyong2000 at hotmail.com, ken.lord at asc-csa.gc.ca,
pierre.jean at asc-csa.gc.ca, martin.pilgram at dlr.de, Michael.Schmidt at esa.int,
sks at isac.gov.in, iwata.takanori at jaxa.jp, siahn at kari.re.kr, rfc at rniikp.ru,
peter.allan at stfc.ac.uk,
Date: 30/07/2014 22:18
Subject: UPDATE: IOAG Action ID: 18a-05
Please do not reply to this email.
There has been an update to the following field(s):
Action: IOAG Delegates to confirm their priorities and need dates for
Return Unframed Telemetry and Validated Radiometric services.
Due Date: 6/20/2014 12:00:00 AM
Date Complete: 7/30/2014 12:00:00 AM
Comments: NASA: (1) Return Unframed Telemetry service -
? NASA could not identify any use case for the SLE Return Unframed
Telemetry Service other than potential emergency cross support (pending
Spacecraft Emergency WG recommendations) or cross support for space
vehicles with protected (encrypted) links. The lowest level of return
service for IOAG is SLE RAF/RCF as defined in the IOAG Services Catalog
#1. [Note: The return unframed tele try service standard was designed to
achieve the interoperability between the network assets of NASA and DoD.]
? Moreover, there exists an ANSI standard for this service. Any IOAG
member agency which desires to use this service for cross support with any
network assets of any non-IOAG member agency could adopt this ANSI
(2) Validated Radiometric service ? NASA asserts the relevant standards
are TDM/NGM and Generic File Transfer Service.
? Priority: Priority 1 for Generic File Transfer Service standard; TDM/NGM
have been in place
? Need Date: 2016
Modified By: Stephanie Wan
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