[CESG] Action CMC-A-2014-11-12

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Fri Dec 19 19:31:18 UTC 2014

You have misunderstood the action
The Projects will stay in the CWE but their status 
Will change from Grandfathered to Pending
The WG Chair will ask for the Project to be approved 
Once the WG decides to start it. resources will also be deployed

And also do not be worry for the MO Services Books
They will also continue to be part of the CWE
Sent from my iPhone

> On 19.12.2014, at 19:39, Shames, Peter M (312B) <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
> Ciao Nestor,
> I am a little puzzled by what you are proposing.  Sorry to be obtuse, but the following questions spring to mind;
> As I read it, this was a project to create an XML schema version of the exiting ASCII / PVL and DTD DEDSL specs, is that correct?
> In the absence of this XML schema version is it correct to assume that only the PVL and DTD versions are left as formal CCSDS standards?
> Is it your intent to only retain those two other forms or are they also to be obsoleted in the future?
> Is there some other international standard data entity dictionary spec & format that is to be proposed for adoption, such as ISO 11179?
> What does it mean to "grandfather" this project?  Is it being placed on hold or is it eliminated?
> Regards, Peter
> From: Nestor Peccia <Nestor.Peccia at esa.int>
> Date: Friday, December 19, 2014 7:52 AM
> To: CMC <cmc at mailman.ccsds.org>, CCSDS Secretariat <secretariat at mailman.ccsds.org>
> Cc: MOIMS-Data Archive Ingestion <moims-dai at mailman.ccsds.org>, MOIMS-SC MOIMS-SC <moims-sc at mailman.ccsds.org>, CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
> Subject: [CESG] Action CMC-A-2014-11-12
> Dear all, 
> Action CMC-A-2014-11-12 was placed upon me during the last CMC meeting
> "The CESG chair was asked to consider the advantage of eliminating grandfathered projects and reverting the status back to pending or draft"
> I suggest to revert the status of the grandfathered projects to "pending". All of them belong to MOIMS (1 tio the DAI WG and 9 to the SM&C WG"
> I consider this action as closed 
> ciao 
> nestor
> Data Entity Dictionary Specificaton Language (DEDSL) - XML Schema	
> Blue 		Grandfathered 				6/30/2016
> MO Service: Automation	
> Blue 		Grandfathered 				1/1/2022
> MO Service: File Management	
> Blue 		Grandfathered 				1/1/2019
> MO Service: Mission Data Product Distribution	
> Blue 		Grandfathered 				10/25/2018
> MO Service: Navigation	
> Blue 		Grandfathered 				1/1/2020
> MO Service: Planning	
> Blue 		Grandfathered 				1/1/2019
> MO Service: Remote Buffer Management	
> Blue 		Grandfathered 				1/1/2022
> MO Service: Scheduling	
> Blue 		Grandfathered 				1/1/2020
> MO Service: Software Management	
> Blue 		Grandfathered 				1/1/2021
> MO Service: Time	
> Blue 		Grandfathered 				1/1/2021
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