[CESG] Question on the CWE on-line Strategic Plan

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Sat Dec 6 16:11:53 UTC 2014

Dear all,

Some reflections (with a big help from Mike Kearney)

The Top Level Content is under CMC control and any change will spawn a CMC 
The Area Content is under CESG control. Any change to the ?Area content? 
will spawn an email alert to the two CESG chairs and the affected AD. On a 
case-by-case basis, the CESG chairs can decide if the change was 
significant enough to create a CESG poll. 
Projects linked to the Strategic Plan are under WG control. Any change to 
?Project links? will spawn an email alert to the respective Area Director. 

?Area Content? includes everything on the Area Content pages (?SEA 
Content?, ?MOIMS Content?, etc.) plus also the very first document 
(Document Type 1) under Area Links (?SEA Links, ?MOIMS Links?) because 
that first document is the mapping of area goals to high-level goals. 
?Project Links? means document types 2 through 7 on those Area Links pages 
(?SEA Links?, ?MOIMS Links?, etc.). 


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