[CESG] Version 1.0 CESG Report to next week's CCSDS Management Council

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Fri Nov 11 03:56:49 EST 2011


I would like to point out some suggestions

VG # 13: SANA Glosarry. There is a proposal from Marc Blanchet 
Followup. I talked offline with Peter and Tom Gannett. Here is the 
proposed plan:
1) we (SANA) do a first pass cleanup, as much as we can without touching 
definitions, removing obvious duplicates for example. from now up to nov. 
2) Tom Gannett and us will do a more "technical" editing clean up in the 
week of nov 21st.
3) following 1) and 2), SANA will make an update of the registry, 
highlighting the relevant issues/duplicates that require subject matter 
expert look. Will try hard to group by domain/working group/area as much 
as possible.
4) will announce to this list (target beginning of december), asking for 
help for the remaining issues, hopefully a short list.

Points to CMC

Lack of CCSDS stack test bed to facilitate new interoperability tests (can 
reduce total cost if test bed is shared across Areas / WGs)
ICS is being discussed
SSCC patent 

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