[Cesg-all] New IF/RF Standard, was FW: [EXTERNAL] DIFI Announces PlugFest 2024 Europe, June 17-21

Shames, Peter M (US 312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu May 23 19:20:23 UTC 2024

Dear CCSDS Standards community,

Please excuse the SPAM, I am sending this out rather widely in order to make sure that all of us who might have a concern are aware of this new standard.

This is an effort to create an update of the earlier IEEE digital IF/RF standard called VITA 49.  I know that this is in use in a number of RF to IF interfaces and it is worthy of being reviewed and commented upon.  From the CCSDS point of view this is usually somewhat orthogonal to our normal interests, since it is effectively an implementation approach for shipping digitized RF around in terrestrial systems.  But it is being touted as an interoperability spec, and so I thought that we might take a look at it and provide what useful feedback we can.

I downloaded it and attached it here for your convenience.  It’s an open call for feedback, so send it to any colleagues who may have informed opinions or use for it.  Feel free to review, and if you have feedback, to register and comment.

Best regards, Peter

Peter Shames
Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS)
Systems Engineering Area Director
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Interplanetary Network Directorate
4800 Oak Grove Drive
MS 301-490
Pasadena, CA 91109

peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
C: 818-687-7901

From: Joan <j.sterlacci at ieee.org>
Date: Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 6:59 AM
To: Shames, Peter M (US 312B) <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] DIFI Announces PlugFest 2024 Europe, June 17-21
Digital Intermediate Frequency Interoperability Consortium
View this email in your browser<https://urldefense.us/v3/__https:/mailchi.mp/ieee/difi-announces-plugfest-2024-europe-june-17-21-10337543?e=0541e09529__;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!Isalg5gFqUn7k2zuRz5LJzmipTyZ-osA9bJ07ycTGkGv220fZ9vt4uYkd2ieEQFmKzfvDUZuKf2pb_fM-Zyow3pAzt8i$>
DIFI Announces PlugFest 2024 Europe, June 17-21
UK Satellite Applications Catapult’s Harwell Campus will be the site of the second DIFI PlugFest! This first-ever DIFI event in Europe is being organized by founding member ETL Systems. The PlugFest, which will include companies testing digital operability of ground segment technology using the DIFI Standard, begins on Monday, June 17 and will run through Friday, June 21.
In the afternoon on Thursday, June 20, the PlugFest will feature a Showcase, including a keynote, panel session, demonstrations and discussions with the companies testing the interoperability of their products. The Showcase is open to all, including non-members. Before the Showcase, the event is restricted to DIFI members bringing equipment to be tested.
[https://mcusercontent.com/d85ee1c54ab272a5870de07eb/images/14d6039e-7b02-5d54-63fa-fe9d20112575.png]During the last PlugFest, hosted by Kratos Defense & Security Solutions in Colorado Springs, USA, 25 engineers tested 13 vendor technologies at the 1.1 standard level. Nearly 90% of the planned interoperability tests were successful, proving the core functionality of the DIFI Standard in providing interoperability among different vendor systems. During the UK event, the goal is to test compatibility for products at the 1.1 and the new 1.2 level.
DIFI’s Chairman and Kratos’ Vice President of Advance Technology Stuart Daughtridge noted that, during the last PlugFest, the test profiles ranged from low to high sample rates with low to high bit depths – specifically, from 12.5 Msamples/sec at a bit depth of 16 bits per sample, up to 750 Msamples/sec at a bit depth of 6 bits. “We expect this PlugFest to be as rigorous and productive for our members,” he added. “It will also provide more opportunities for engagement with the Showcase and networking to follow.”
Simon Swift, Engineering Director for Digital Technologies with ETL Systems, the host organization for the event added, “We are very proud to bring this PlugFest to the UK and Europe. Our members here and internationally are keenly interested in interoperability as a means of continuing the innovations that are taking place at teleports and the ground segment of the satellite industry.”
Registration Information
For information on registration for DIFI PlugFest 2024 Europe, email plugfest at dificonsortium.org<mailto:plugfest at dificonsortium.org>
For information on membership visit: dificonsortium.org<https://urldefense.us/v3/__https:/dificonsortium.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d85ee1c54ab272a5870de07eb&id=9f8bef7726&e=0541e09529__;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!Isalg5gFqUn7k2zuRz5LJzmipTyZ-osA9bJ07ycTGkGv220fZ9vt4uYkd2ieEQFmKzfvDUZuKf2pb_fM-Zyow1G3yZAc$>

About DIFI
[https://mcusercontent.com/d85ee1c54ab272a5870de07eb/images/820cb03f-fa01-6ed0-12ba-62bcb69108ba.png]The Digital Intermediate Frequency (IF) Interoperability Consortium<https://urldefense.us/v3/__https:/dificonsortium.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d85ee1c54ab272a5870de07eb&id=f8a63e6421&e=0541e09529__;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!Isalg5gFqUn7k2zuRz5LJzmipTyZ-osA9bJ07ycTGkGv220fZ9vt4uYkd2ieEQFmKzfvDUZuKf2pb_fM-Zyowx9ZXLGq$>, or DIFI, has created a standard that enforces interoperability on digital IF/RF technology. Digital IF was developed to overcome the limitations of analog systems but, today, vendor lock-in prevents it from delivering seamless interoperability and severely limits its adoption. A truly interoperable digital IF, on the other hand, will enable transformation to a virtualized ground segment, reducing the total cost of ownership and significantly boosting network and terminal agility and scalability. Compliance with the DIFI standard will ensure that satellite ground segments can seamlessly adapt to rapidly changing space-layer payloads, orbits, and constellations. Ultimately, DIFI promises to elevate the resilience, performance, and capabilities of satellite networks and enable a digital transformation that integrates satellites seamlessly into the larger telecom, IT and GIS markets.
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