[Cesg-all] CCSDS Review of CCSDS 311.0-P-1.1, Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems

CCSDS Rapporteur thomas.gannett at tgannett.net
Mon Jul 1 21:34:39 UTC 2024

Control Number: PRP 24-16

The following draft CCSDS Recommended Practice has been placed on line for CCSDS Agency review:

     CCSDS 311.0-P-1.1. Reference Architecture for Space Data 
                        Systems. Pink Book. Issue 1.1. June 2024.

DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION:  Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems (RASDS) is intended to provide a standardized approach for description of data system architectures and high-level designs, which individual CCSDS working groups may use within CCSDS. This draft update is an extended approach, RASDSv2, specifically adapted for the space domain and aligned with best current practices in the fields of system and software architecture and modeling.

The due date for receipt of review comments by the CCSDS Review Coordinator is 30 August 2024.  Area Directors and WG/BOF Chairs may submit review comments directly to the CCSDS Review Coordinator.  More information is available at the Web site identified below.

The review document, in Portable Document Format (PDF), and associated review materials are available for downloading at the following location:



1  Per CMC Action Item CMC-A-2007-10-05, agency reviewers are reminded to
   review for compliance with the CCSDS Publications Manual as well as
   technical content.

2  Per CESG Resolution CESG-R-2008-10-006, the CESG no longer conducts
   pre-Agency-review reviews but is instead expected to participate in
   Agency reviews when they are announced.

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