From thomas.gannett at Mon Jul 1 21:34:39 2024 From: thomas.gannett at (=?UTF-8?B?Q0NTRFMgUmFwcG9ydGV1cg==?=) Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 16:34:39 -0500 Subject: [Cesg-all] =?utf-8?q?CCSDS_Review_of_CCSDS_311=2E0-P-1=2E1=2C_Re?= =?utf-8?q?ference_Architecture_for_Space_Data_Systems?= Message-ID: Control Number: PRP 24-16 The following draft CCSDS Recommended Practice has been placed on line for CCSDS Agency review: ?????CCSDS 311.0-P-1.1. Reference Architecture for Space Data? ????????????????????????Systems. Pink Book. Issue 1.1. June 2024. DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems (RASDS) is intended to provide a standardized approach for description of data system architectures and high-level designs, which individual CCSDS working groups may use within CCSDS. This draft update is an extended approach, RASDSv2, specifically adapted for the space domain and aligned with best current practices in the fields of system and software architecture and modeling. The due date for receipt of review comments by the CCSDS Review Coordinator is 30 August 2024. Area Directors and WG/BOF Chairs may submit review comments directly to the CCSDS Review Coordinator. More information is available at the Web site identified below. The review document, in Portable Document Format (PDF), and associated review materials are available for downloading at the following location: NOTES 1 Per CMC Action Item CMC-A-2007-10-05, agency reviewers are reminded to review for compliance with the CCSDS Publications Manual as well as technical content. 2 Per CESG Resolution CESG-R-2008-10-006, the CESG no longer conducts pre-Agency-review reviews but is instead expected to participate in Agency reviews when they are announced. From thomas.gannett at Mon Jul 8 21:51:04 2024 From: thomas.gannett at (=?UTF-8?B?Q0NTRFMgU2VjcmV0YXJpYXQ=?=) Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2024 16:51:04 -0500 Subject: [Cesg-all] =?utf-8?q?Results_of_CESG_Polls_closing_5_July_2024?= Message-ID: CESG E-Poll Identifier: CESG-P-2024-06-001 Approval to release CCSDS 522.2-R-2, Mission Operations?Mission Data Product Distribution Services (Red Book, Issue 2) for CCSDS Agency review Results of CESG poll beginning 21 June 2024 and ending 5 July 2024: ?????????????????Abstain: 0 (0%) ? ?Approve Unconditionally: 3 (60%) (Fischer, Aguilar?Sanchez, Wilmot) ?Approve with Conditions: 2 (40%) (Shames, Cola) ?Disapprove with Comment: 0 (0%) ? CONDITIONS/COMMENTS: Peter Shames (Approve with Conditions): ?I find the document to have a substantial number of vague and inaccurate statements and "specifications". The attached document with mark-ups provides all the details. I also concur with Tomaso that the points he raised should be addressed. Tomaso de Cola (Approve with Conditions): ?I've some doubts about Section 4 about the MDPS Information Model. In the introductory sentences in 4.1 it is noted that per se the MDPS model is not normative but only informative, while normative are the data formats and services derived from it. However, the services are specified in Section 3, i.e. before the description of the MDPS Information model. It is also not clear what is really normative in this Section 4, is it about the MDPS data items and types? I'm also wondering whether Section 5 and 6 could be moved to normative annexes at the end of the document. Jonathan Wilmot (Approve Unconditionally): Agree with Peter and Tomaso with a additional comment In the definition of "product" 1.1 states "... structure known to the product?s producer and consumers." Would is make sense to also recommend ? a mechanism for the exchange and/or specification of these structure definitions?? Total Respondents: 5 No response was received from the following Area(s): CSS SECRETARIAT INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS: Approved with Conditions PROPOSED SECRETARIAT ACTION: Generate CMC poll after conditions have been addressed * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CESG E-Poll Identifier: CESG-P-2024-06-002 Approval to release CCSDS 522.1-P-1.1, Mission Operations Monitor & Control Services (Pink Book, Issue 1.1) for CCSDS Agency review Results of CESG poll beginning 21 June 2024 and ending 5 July 2024: ?????????????????Abstain: 0 (0%) ? ?Approve Unconditionally: 4 (100%) (Fischer, Cola, Aguilar?Sanchez, Wilmot) ?Approve with Conditions: 0 (0%) ? ?Disapprove with Comment: 0 (0%) ? CONDITIONS/COMMENTS: Jonathan Wilmot (Approve Unconditionally): ?General concern about many of the MO interaction patterns with the "remote Service Provider" being a spacecraft, but I will assume missions would decide what interaction patterns are supported. Patterns such as asking for a single parameter can have unacceptable impacts on resource utilization and real-time performance.? Total Respondents: 4 No response was received from the following Area(s): SEA CSS SECRETARIAT INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS: Approved Unconditionally PROPOSED SECRETARIAT ACTION: Generate CMC poll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CESG E-Poll Identifier: CESG-P-2024-06-003 Approval to publish CCSDS 350.11-G-1, Space Data Link Security Protocol?Extended Procedures?Summary of Concept of Rationale (Green Book, Issue 1) Results of CESG poll beginning 21 June 2024 and ending 5 July 2024: ?????????????????Abstain: 0 (0%) ? ?Approve Unconditionally: 7 (100%) (Barkley, Fischer, Shames, Cola, Aguilar?Sanchez, Moury, Wilmot) ?Approve with Conditions: 0 (0%) ? ?Disapprove with Comment: 0 (0%) ? CONDITIONS/COMMENTS: Erik Barkley (Approve Unconditionally): ?Just a minor comment -- there is text re design taking constraints for SLE into account, but no references are called out for SLE. Also, it seems that the concept is transparent re use of SLE. If that is truly the case, perhaps the compatibiliy constraint statements (pg 1-1., 2-1) could be removed? Tomaso de Cola (Approve Unconditionally): Just a minor comment, in Figs. 2-1 and 2-2, maybe it's better to put defined in [1]/[2] instead of 350.0/350.1 Total Respondents: 7 All Areas responded to this question. SECRETARIAT INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS: Approved Unconditionally PROPOSED SECRETARIAT ACTION: Generate CMC poll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CESG E-Poll Identifier: CESG-P-2024-06-004 Approval of historical status for CCSDS 706.1-G-2, Motion Imagery and Applications (Green Book, Issue 2, May 2015) Results of CESG poll beginning 21 June 2024 and ending 5 July 2024: ?????????????????Abstain: 0 (0%) ? ?Approve Unconditionally: 6 (100%) (Barkley, Fischer, Shames, Cola, Aguilar?Sanchez, Wilmot) ?Approve with Conditions: 0 (0%) ? ?Disapprove with Comment: 0 (0%) ? Total Respondents: 6 All Areas responded to this question. SECRETARIAT INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS: Approved Unconditionally PROPOSED SECRETARIAT ACTION: Generate CMC poll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CESG E-Poll Identifier: CESG-P-2024-06-005 Reconfirmation of CCSDS 120.3-G-1, Spectral Pre-Processing Transform for Multispectral & Hyperspectral Image Compression (Green Book, Issue 1, March 2019) Results of CESG poll beginning 21 June 2024 and ending 5 July 2024: ?????????????????Abstain: 0 (0%) ? ?Approve Unconditionally: 7 (100%) (Barkley, Fischer, Shames, Cola, Aguilar?Sanchez, Moury, Wilmot) ?Approve with Conditions: 0 (0%) ? ?Disapprove with Comment: 0 (0%) ? Total Respondents: 7 All Areas responded to this question. SECRETARIAT INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS: Approved Unconditionally PROPOSED SECRETARIAT ACTION: Generate CMC poll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *