[Cesg-all] Please pick a date to participate in the review of the SCCS-ARD updates

Shames, Peter M (US 312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Nov 1 22:06:39 UTC 2021

Dear CCSDS AD and WG chairs,

The Space Communications Cross Support Architecture document (SCCS-ARD) is a cross-cutting Magenta Book that largely covers the SLS, SIS, CSS, and SEA areas and their working groups.  We have being working on an update to this document that primarily covers what are called “ABA” mission configurations, which are those that involve a single mission ops center, a single spacecraft, and a ground station.  The Solar System Internet (SSI) configurations, which involve multiple spacecraft, mission centers, and comm assets, and use the DTN (or IP) protocols, will be in a future update that builds on this foundation.

There have been a number of changes to the CCSDS standards landscape since the last edition was published.  These include:

  *   USLP protocol
  *   The “VCM suite” of variable coding and modulation standards
  *   New CSTS services
  *   New Service Management services
  *   Updates to the Synch and Channel coding specs, the liberal approaches
  *   New security features in several sections

In addition to these new / updated standards we wish to address the following issues as well:

  *   Improved handling of cross references from the Services viewpoint to the protocol stack details (interface binding signatures)
  *   Revised section structures and cross referencing
  *   Inclusion of “recommended” options and clarification of optional and mandatory features
  *   Discussion of incomplete / optional capabilities like forward file service, handling of details of complexities like MAP service and VC/MC multiplexing, COP on the USLP return link, and CADUs in FF-CSTS given new Pseudo-randomized “Only Idle Data” (OID) frames

Please go to this Doodle poll and pick one or more dates that work for you.


Thanks, Peter Shames & John Pietras

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