[Cesg-all] Approved Version of IOAG SERVICE CATALOG #1 and Draft version of IOAG SERVICE CATALOG #2

Shames, Peter M (312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Mar 30 17:11:18 UTC 2017

Ciao Nestor,

It appears that both of these Service Catalogs have failed to take advantage of some of the newest CCSDS documents.  The ones that seem particularly relevant to me are the following:

1.      CCSDS 901.1-M-1<https://public.ccsds.org/Pubs/901x1m1.pdf>, Space Communications Cross Support--Architecture Requirements Document. Magenta Book. Issue 1. May 2015.

2.      CCSDS 901.0-G-1<https://public.ccsds.org/Pubs/901x0g1.pdf>, Space Communications Cross Support--Architecture Description Document. Green Book. Issue 1. November 2013.

3.      CCSDS 313.0-Y-2<https://public.ccsds.org/Pubs/313x0y2.pdf>, Space Assigned Numbers Authority (SANA)--Role, Responsibilities, Policies, and Procedures. Yellow Book - CCSDS Normative Procedures. Issue 2. May 2016.

4.      CCSDS 313.1-Y-1<https://public.ccsds.org/Pubs/313x1y1.pdf>, CCSDS SANA Registry Management Policy. Yellow Book - CCSDS Normative Procedures. Issue 1. June 2016.

Both of these IOAG SC documents are full of textual descriptions that are somewhat convoluted and tend to be hard to follow.  The two SCCS-ADD documents that are identified above provide ample diagrams and precise text that show how all of these standards are intended to fit together.  My strong recommendation back to the IOAG is that they should reference these instead of relying only upon all of this hard to understand text.

In the case of the SANA the IOAG SC 1 & SC 2 both identify a reference named "[SLID]" that then points to the top level of the SANA Registry.  There are three issues here:

1)       The pointer is to the whole of the SANA, not to the specific list of Space Link identifier registries (http://sanaregistry.org/r/space_link_id/space_link_id.html)

2)       The text of the SCs does not make mention of this reference, so there is a missing reference in the body of the documents

3)       The SANA, which stores these registries, and the IOAG managed RF Assets registry ([XSCA] (IOAG) RF Communication Assets http://sanaregistry.org/r/rf_assets/rf_assets.html ) is not directly referenced nor identified.

These issues should all be rectified,  If only to remind the IOAG members of the SANA and the role that it plays in supporting space operations, starting with assignment of SCIDs for spacecraft and registration of their RF assets. Furthermore, the CCSDS RMP, which defines the policies for management of all the SANA registries, should be identified as relevant for the IOAG operating agencies.  This affect the agency HoD, Agency named PoC (Agency Representative, AR), and the RF & Assets registry which is used by both the IOAG and the CCSDS SM standards.  These should appear in these service catalogs since they are intended to be a part of providing operational services and the IOAG, representing the operational arm of these agencies, should be familiar with them and understand their role in maintaining them.

Furthermore, in SC#2, the only Service Management reference is to the obsolescent [SM] spec, CCSDS 910.11-B Space Communication Cross Support - Service Management - Service Specification. Blue Book.  The SC#1 correctly includes the whole set of new SM specs that are under development, some of which, like the Simple Schedule, are well advanced.  These should appear in the SC#2 as well.

As the IOAG liaison could I suggest that you pass this feedback to the IOAG?

Thanks, Peter

From: CESG-All <cesg-all-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> on behalf of Nestor Peccia <Nestor.Peccia at esa.int>
Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 at 12:42 AM
To: CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG All <cesg-all at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: [Cesg-all] Approved Version of IOAG SERVICE CATALOG #1 and Draft version of IOAG SERVICE CATALOG #2

Dear WG Chairs and ADs

Please find attached the following:
·         Approved Version of  IOAG SERVICE CATALOG #1 (clean and tracked changes one)

·         Draft version of the IOAG SERVICE CATALOG #2 Version 2.1, which is currently under approval within IOAG.

Please discuss during your San Antonio meeting
1.      the SC#1 services that are under your WG ToR. Update your Projects (if needed).
2.      the SC#2 services that are under your WG ToR. Collect comments and present them at your Area Plenary wrap-up meeting on Friday 12th May.

Please be aware that I have already requested the IOAG an updated set of priorities and need dates


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