[Cesg-all] Votes in CESG Poll

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Thu Jun 28 04:57:29 EDT 2012

Dear WG Chairs

On behalf of the CESG Chair I would like to make you aware of the 
following issue:

Some time ago the CESG decided that CESG poll announcements should be sent 
to " cesg-all"  for information because some WG complained they didn't 
know when polling for their documents started.

We (the CESG chairs) realise that this may confuse some WG chairs that 
could think they are being asked to vote. 

Therefore we propose to add a standardized header to the future CESG poll 
emails, indicating that the poll is *only for Area Directors and Deputies* 
to vote in, and is being sent to WG chairs only for their info.  

We count on your collaboration


Adrian and Nestor
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