[Cesg-all] Result of CESG poll closing 27 September 2010

CCSDS Secretariat tomg at aiaa.org
Tue Sep 28 15:53:28 EDT 2010

CESG E-Poll Identifier:  CESG-P-2010-09-001 Final approval of CCSDS 
880.0-G-1, Wireless Network Communications Overview for Space Mission 
Operations (Green Book, Issue 1)
Results of CESG poll beginning 6 September 2010 and ending 27 September 2010:

                  Abstain:  0 (0%)
  Approve Unconditionally:  3 (60%) (Peccia, Taylor, Moury)
  Approve with Conditions:  2 (40%) (Gerner, Durst)
  Disapprove with Comment:  0 (0%)


      Jean-Luc Gerner (Approve with Conditions):  See comments below:
section 1.1 <This report examines the possibilities and advantages of 
the application of wireless communications technology to space missions.>
This statement is too open ended.

section 1.1. <The recommendations of this report will enable member 
agencies to select the best option(s) available for space 
communications and internetworking, based upon evaluation metrics 
such as network topology, power expenditure, data rates, noise 
immunity, and range of communication as well as on space systems 
metrics such as reliability, availability, maintenance and safety.>
This paragraph is in conflict with the next one: <This document is a 
CCSDS Informational Report and is therefore not to be taken as a 
CCSDS Recommended Standard.>
It gives the impression that this is a standards and that it supports 
decisions about implementations by agencies, while it only support 
the investigations and the decision to be taken for the eventual 
standard (blue/magenta) book.

Section 1.2 <This ubiquity of use is also expected in the space 
domain and as a result wireless communications will cross the 
boundaries of existing areas of discipline where wireless 
transmission was typically limited to space-to-ground links.>
Again a statement giving the impression that all the wireless 
communications are covered here.
Taking it literally, Proximity-1 is covered by this book.

Section 1.2 <The Wireless Networking Communications document>
Editorial: title is different without termination in "ing" for network.

Section 1.2 <The Wireless Networking Communications document will be 
utilized as the basis for generating recommended practices for the 
application of wireless technology in the intravehicle domain>
This sentence should make clear that only bullet "a" from the 
previous list is part of this document.
Better highlighting of this would be nice (but not essential).
Section 2.3 on Spectrum Planning and Regulation. This section could 
be removed to avoid ambiguity because the book addresses only 
intra-vehicular or AIT activities, which are not submitted to ITU 
Radio Regulations.

      Bob Durst (Approve with Conditions):  I think that this is a 
very good report -- it's comprehensive and potentially useful.

I have only one comment, and that is that I don't see that it 
delivers on the promise made in the "Purpose" section:  "The 
recommendations of this report will enable member agencies to select 
the best option(s) available for space communications and 
internetworking, based upon evaluation metrics such as network 
topology, power expenditure, data rates, noise immunity, and range of 
communication as well as on space systems metrics such as 
reliability, availability, maintenance and safety."

The report is long on technology (particularly at the RF level), but 
it doesn't really do much in the way of forming recommendations.  In 
the "Conclusions and Recommendations" section there are neither 
conclusions nor recommendations.  There's a summary, which is just a 
subset of Table 2-2.  In fact, no options from Table 2-2 have been 
eliminated as a result of the analysis presented in the document (the 
table in 2-2 has been trimmed, but only as a function of the scope of 
the document, not the suitability of any of the technologies listed, 
or at least I didn't see any eliminations from the remaining rows).

So what do we conclude from the document?  What do you recommend?  In 
Section 1.4, the document says that it "indicates the most promising 
wireless technologies for identified application domains and use 
cases." Are *all* of these technologies "most promising?"  Do you 
conclude that each of the technologies listed in Table 2-2 for the 
application areas that are in-scope of SOIS are applicable?  If so, 
this section should say so.  If something got pitched over the side, 
that would be good to say, also.

There's a statement that the area is proceeding with a couple of 
magenta books.  Why these?  I'd cast the statement that you're 
proceeding with the two Magenta books as the resulting 
recommendations of the document, unless you've got a handy list of 
other recommendations to put here and I just missed it.  What caused 
you to conclude that these were the right two initial areas for further work?

So I guess the condition for approval would be to really attempt to 
summarize your conclusions and recommendations in Section 7.  It's 
the section that people are going to turn to first, and it's what you 
told people you were going to do with the document.

Total Respondents:  5

No response was received from the following Area(s):


PROPOSED SECRETARIAT ACTION:            Generate CMC poll after 
conditions have been addressed

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