[Cesg-all] Procedure for CCSDS Operating Plan update

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Feb 14 12:42:15 EST 2005

At 08:58 AM 2/11/2005, Adrian J. Hooke wrote:

Folks: let me try to clarify how the Operating Plan will be updated, via 
the following procedure.

1. Roughly 2x per year (around this time in the meeting cycle) the entire 
CCSDS Operating Plan CCSDS A01.2-Y-(n), containing a compendium of all of 
the approved WG charters, will be updated by the Area Directors and will be 
submitted to the CMC to reconfirm their resource commitment.

2. The CCSDS Secretariat is responsible for integrating all of the WG 
charters and for producing the Operating Plan update (n+1). The Secretariat 
will thus collect the charters (either unchanged or updated) from the 
Areas, they will add the updated boilerplate material and they will publish 
the complete document as a PDF file. AS CESG chair, I will then send that 
file to the CMC. The Secretariat will also maintain the document as an 
online file that we can all access for reference.

3. When we send the updated plan to the CMC, we need to clearly identify 
which WG charters have changed and how. Since the Secretariat is the focal 
point for producing the document, I have asked them to compile a written 
summary sheet that will list all of the changes that were made in update (n+1).

4. Accordingly, whenever you want to update an approved charter:

    a. the WG chair should send a "redlined" copy of the current WG charter
       to the Area Director, along with a short summary of the requested 
    b. The Area Director will review the changes and will then forward the
       redlined charter and change summary to the named person in the 
    c. The Secretariat will then update the master "online" charter file 
and will
       update the master summary sheet to highlight the changes.
    d. After the deadline for submitting changes has passed, the Secretariat
       will then send me the new integrated CCSDS Operating Plan CCSDS 
       along with the integrated summary sheet, for transmission to the CMC.

Is this procedure clear to everyone?

Best regards

Adrian J. Hooke
Chairman, CCSDS Engineering Steering Group (CESG)
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