[Ccsds-omg-liaison] Additional AB CubeSat Review

Larry Johnson larry at omg.org
Thu Mar 15 16:41:34 UTC 2018

Additional CubeSat Review:

·        6.4.1 General requirements

o   "The CRM should assist with the validation of compliance to the various
regulatory agencies and their associated regulations and guidelines."

§  "should" ?

§  many classes of regulations and guidelines are mentioned (not cited).
These resources are outside OMG control and are subject to change... are we
going to track Congress/Agencies via xTFs? Are we talking US regulations?
How does a specification handle this?

·        I don't share Matthew's concern re: tool dependence, since
SysML/XMI is required... it is tool independent by nature.

·        A.2 Glossary Specific to this RFP: "[CRM] CubeSat Reference Model"

o   Where would that be? I don't find a glossary of terms?

o   a "CubeSat" is nowhere defined.

o   no specific terms are explicitly defined unless I missed something...
note the emphasized examples in this single paragraph.

§ The CRM logical architecture shall consist of the following
architectural levels: CubeSat domain, CubeSat enterprise, space segment,
ground segment, CubeSat subsystems, ground subsystems, and CubeSat subsystem
components. Each architectural level shall include behaviours and structures
supporting common system Use Cases

·        6.2 Scope of Proposals Sought – "This RFP solicits proposals for a
CRM (at the discretion of the submitter) based on the System Modeling
LanguageTM [SysML] to facilitate the development of a mission specific
CubeSat system. "

§  Remove "(at the discretion of the submitter)"... the whole RFP makes it
clear that the CRM is the whole point.

·        6.2 Scope of Proposals Sought

o   "A CubeSat Reference Model (CRM), developed in SysML using a standard
systems engineering language"

o   Don't understand what " standard systems engineering languages" you
would be talking about besides SysML

·        6.4.1 General requirements

o   "The CRM should assist with the validation of compliance to the various
regulatory agencies and their associated regulations and guidelines."

§  "should" ?

§  many classes of regulations and guidelines are mentioned (not cited).
These resources are outside OMG control. How does a specification handle

· The CRM will be extendable to accommodate other national
stakeholders and associated regulations and guidelines.

o   The "will" should be "shall" to be consistent.

· The CRM shall be self-documentation on how to apply CRM
for creation of the mission specific CubeSat

o   I don't know what "self-documentation" means in this context.

· The CRM shall be implemented using SysML [SYSML]

o   Why is this paragraph in a different font? Shall means shall, extra
emphasis is not necessary or desired. If there is a hierarchy of
requirements they should be organized via compliance points.


Architecture Board Chair

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