[Ccsds-omg-liaison] Washington DC meeting notes

Kizzort, Brad bkizzort at harris.com
Wed Mar 19 10:22:09 EST 2008


The OMG Space DTF met in Washington, DC last week, and co-hosted an XTCE
Users' Meeting with CCSDS.  

Key events at the meeting:

The Ground Equipment Monitoring Service model (GEMS) specification was
recommended to the OMG Architecture Board for adoption and it cleared
the AB this meeting, so a Finalization Task Force (FTF) was chartered.
GEMS is on its way to becoming an available specification (version 1.0
is expected < 12 months).

The XML Telemetry and Command Exchange format (XTCE) Users' Meeting had
30 attendees and was our largest users' meeting, yet.  Interest within
NASA and the European space agencies is increasing since the adoption of
XTCE as a CCSDS Blue Book, and CCSDS is investing in an XTCE Magenta
Book to guide the agencies' usage.  The meeting was also attended by
four commercial TT&C product vendors.  Presentations at the meeting
should be on the OMG server this week.

A Revision Task Force was chartered for the XTCE specification to clean
up a few issues that have been raised with version 1.1.  The goal is to
clean up a few minor issues and improve the annotation for the data
types, so no major structural changes will be considered for this
revision.  You can see the list of issues in the presentation
space/2008-03-16.ppt, which should be on the server this week.

Brad K.
co-chair, OMG SDTF

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