[Ccsds-omg-liaison] Washington SDTF Meeting Minutes

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Dec 11 10:33:39 EST 2006

>Subject: Washington SDTF Meeting Minutes
>Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 10:24:46 -0500
>From: "Kizzort, Brad" <bkizzort at harris.com>
>To: <space at omg.org>
>The SDTF met with OMG staff in a planning session to discuss the 
>possibility of hosting a  Space Information Day in Europe at the Brussels 
>meeting in June.  We set a go/no-go date of  the end of January to 
>determine feasibility and interest, so if you are interested in  speaking 
>at or attending a Space Information Day in Brussels, let us know.  We 
>would like to  present some case studies of OMG technologies (like XTCE) 
>applied to space.
>Rob Andzik presented the initial submission to the GEMS RFP, and the 
>response of the  attendees was positive.  The submission (space/06-11-01) 
>and presentation (space/06-12-01)  are on the OMG document server or will 
>be soon.  We also discussed the form the PSM should  take in the revised 
>submission, and discussed an existing example with Victor Giddings (an 
>AB  member).
>The San Diego OMG meeting is the same week as GSAW in Manhattan Beach.  We 
>discussed the  possibility of having an SDTF meeting or information 
>session in conjunction with GSAW, and if  there is any AB/DTC business to 
>attend to (such as a revised submission for GEMS or SOLM)  Brad Kizzort 
>could go to San Diego at the end of the week.  We will follow up with 
>the  Aerospace Inc. coordinators on space at the GSAW.
>Whether the SDTF meets in Brussels depends on the go/no-go decision for 
>the information day.   The SDTF may have to request a postponement of some 
>process dates from the DTC and/or Voting  Lists.
>Jonathan Gal-Edd presented information at the XTCE BOF on JWST's use of 
>XML and translation to/from XTCE as an exchange format.  Some of the tools 
>JWST has developed may be useful as a means of  generating and ingesting 
>XTCE or as prototypes for XTCE tools.  His presentation will be  available 
>on the OMG server (space/06-12-02)
>Presentation of the XTCE RTF report (dtc/06-12-02) to the AB on Thursday 
>went well.  We had received some comments from the AB earlier in the week 
>and incorporated them prior to the AB meeting.  One  resolution of an AB 
>comment didn't make it in until the day of the meeting, and since the 
>AB  needs the final report on the OMG server before they can approve it, 
>they agreed to conduct  an email vote after Juergen had the opportunity to 
>load the update file for electronic  review.  The AB seemed satisfied with 
>the issue traceability and dispositions, but I have not  heard the result 
>of the email vote, yet.
>Brad K.

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