[Ccsds-omg-liaison] Fwd: Discussion Groups - Dist Computing and XML

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu May 12 17:16:07 EDT 2005

>Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 14:07:57 -0700
>From: Shirley Tseng <shirleytseng at earthlink.net>
>Subject: Discussion Groups - Dist Computing and XML
>To: Peter Shames <Peter.Shames at jpl.nasa.gov>,
>  Adrian Hooke <adrian.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov>
>Peter and Adrian,
>Some of your people may be interested in these discussion groups...
>The XMLinSpace is a result of the IEEE Aerospace conference where we have
>had a session on Use of XML in Space Systems sessions for the last 2 years.
>The GSAWDistComputing is a result of the GSAW 2005 9E breakout session.
>Let me know if you have questions or I can pass on papers directly...
>....I have created two Yahoo Discussion groups as a result of sessions at
>two conferences.  GSAW (Ground System Architecture Workshop) and the IEEE
>Aerospace Conference.
>Please join the Yahoo discussion lists (at the below link) or you can
>bookmark the page to revisit the Yahoo page periodically to read the
>messages..  The objectives of both forums are to improve the communication
>among space professional interested in the different topics :  to share
>news, new articles/paper links, for posting of questions, to advance the
>state of practice... etc...
>Both groups are very quiet as everybody is busy with daily tasking and
>If there are questions or topics that you think should be brought up and you
>don't want to post directly, please email me and I will get the dialogue
>going...  The XMLinSpace has the IEEE XML papers and presentations posted.
>I have a work-in process Excel list of Space projects implementing
>components (grid and web services) at GSAWDistComputing.  If I've left out
>projects or there are corrections, please let me know.  Since this list was
>compiled on my spare time base on projects that I know about, I am sure
>there are lots of other projects that should be included....
>I am attaching the current list of projects.  I am sure that I haven't done
>justice to the CCSDS projects, so if you would like to send me additions, I
>can include with the next version of file to post to the Yahoo group file.
>1.  GSAWDistComputing Background at GSAW 2005:
>All of the GSAW presentation charts are available at the web site:
>Session 9E: Components, Frameworks, and Web/Grid Services for Ground Systems
>Chairs: Rob Antonucci, Emergent Space Technologies
>Craig Lee, The Aerospace Corporation
>This workshop will explore the role of services such as web services, grid
>services, and service-oriented architectures in ground systems. Services are
>components that use an overarching communication and infrastructure model to
>facilitate rapid development and integration. Speakers from the Ecommerce
>domain, the satellite operations center, and the application development
>bench will talk on the results of using service-oriented architectures.
>Speakers will also talk about using grid services to provide description,
>discovery, job submission, file transfer, workflow management, event
>notification, fault tolerance, and strong security. After the speakers the
>workshop will discuss using services in the today's ground systems.
>Introduction: Components, Frameworks, and Web/Grid Services in Ground
>Rob Antonucci, Emergent Space Technologies
>Craig Lee, The Aerospace Corporation
>Implementation of a Middleware Based Ground System
>Everett Cary, Emergent Space Technologies, Inc.
>Enterprise Service Bus for Ground Systems Integration
>G. Todd Kaiser, Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems
>Web and Grid Service Standards for Ground Systems
>Craig Lee, The Aerospace Corporation
>Service Oriented Architecture: An Overview Discussion
>Jeff Simpson, BEA Systems, Inc.
>Components, Frameworks, & Web/Grid Services for Ground Systems (supplement
>file)  Shirley Tseng, Infinite Global Infrastructures
>Group description From http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GSAWDistComputing/
>This group is made up of individuals interested in the use of components,
>frameworks, and web/grid services for Ground Systems.
>Most are attendees at the Ground System Architecture Workshop where a
>breakout session was held in 2005. But members not at the workshop are
>welcome to join the group.
>. Our format is an open forum of discussion where ideas and presentations
>can be exchanged to share and learn from each other and advance the 'State
>of Practice'
>Our Goals are to:
>. Provide perspectives on how different organizations are implementing
>components, frameworks, and web/grid services for Ground Systems.
>. Share tools, technologies, techniques, best practices
>2.  IEEE Aerospace XMLinSpace background: www.aeroconf.org
>         Michael Van Steenberg   301-286-7876
>Michael.E.VanSteenberg at nasa.gov
>         Astrophysicist and Advanced Technology Liaison for Space Science and
>Engineering. Interests in Information systems, end-to-end space mission
>design and operations; science driven mission automation; space
>communication networks; and in situ sub-surface sensors.
>         Ryan Detter (See prior bio)     301-286-9283
>Ryan.D.Detter at nasa.gov
>         XML Database Designer, James Webb Space Telescope Mission. Presented
>"XML - James Webb Space Telescope Database Issues, Lessons, and Status",
>2004 IEEE Aerospace Conference; "James Webb Space Telescope-Supporting
>Multiple Ground System Transitions in One Year", 2004 SPIE Astronomical
>Telescopes and Instrumentation Conference, Glasgow. Original member, NASA
>XML Working Group.
>         Ryan Detter
>Group description From http://groups.yahoo.com/group/XMLinSpace/
>This group is made up of individuals interested in the use of XML in Space
>Most are attendees at the IEEE Aerospace Conference in Big Sky Montana where
>a XML in Space session and XML Deployment Panel are held annually. But
>members not able to attend the conference are welcome to join the group.
>. Our format is an open forum of discussion where ideas and presentations
>can be exchanged to share and learn from each other and advance the 'State
>of Practice'
>Our Goals are to:
>. Provide perspectives on how different organizations approach the use of
>. Share tools, technologies, techniques, best practices
>Method to our madness:
>. Our effort is primarily conducted at the annual IEEE Aerospace Conference
>in Big Sky, Montana, www.aeroconf.org
>. Alternately we use this chat group year-round to exchange ideas and share
>tools and technology efforts from our various organizations
>best regards,
>Shirley Tseng
>Infinite Global Infrastructures
>949-300-1899 cell
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