[Ccsds-omg-liaison] Operations Procedure Model draft RFP

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Mar 25 19:00:43 EST 2005

At 03:03 PM 3/25/2005, Kizzort, Brad wrote:
>As you have characterized the CCSDS view of standardization, it would not 
>be feasible without an architecture definition, so chances are, unless 
>there are holes in the CCSDS architecture, it is unlikely that there will 
>be an ignored element that obviously requires the attention of the SDTF, 
>so I wouldn't choose that as a selection criteria.

Brad: to the contrary, I think that "the CCSDS architecture" (Peter, you 
can quickly point us to that, can't you?) has more holes than a Gruyere 
cheese. Our main criterion for filling them is "do we have the resources to 
put on this job?" and since the answer is usually "no" it would be real 
nice to get someone else to step up to the plate.

>The SDTF criteria in the past has been: In what areas do the active 
>members have expertise and/or immediate needs.  While that may appear to 
>be a haphazard approach to standardization, it is, in fact, the way most 
>IT standards get developed.

OK, so how do we get the active SDTF members to lay-out their ideas early 
enough to identify how best to satisfy them across the OMG/CCSDS 
capabilities that we have at our disposal, without duplication or missing 
some key requirement? In CCSDS, we are putting in place a front-end 
catcher's mitt called the "Concept Paper": 
CCSDS Concept Papers are working documents of the Consultative Committee 
for Space Data Systems (CCSDS), its Areas, and its Working Groups. Note 
that other groups may also distribute working documents as CCSDS Concept 

CCSDS Concept Papers have no official status and are simply the vehicle by 
which technical suggestions are made visible to the CCSDS. They are not an 
archival document series and these documents should not be cited or quoted 
in any formal document. Unrevised documents placed in the CCSDS Concept 
Papers directories have a maximum life of nine months. After that time, 
they must be updated, or they will be deleted. Details of the expiration 
procedure can be found in "Guidelines to Authors of CCSDS Concept Papers". 
If a document progresses to a CCSDS Proposed Standard, it will be replaced 
in the CCSDS Concept Papers Directories with an announcement to that effect.
The CCSDS Concept Paper is patterned after the IETF's Internet Draft. 
Someone - anyone - can write a Concept Paper outlining the proposed new 
development and send it to "CCSDS Secretariat" 
<secretariat at mailman.ccsds.org> for logging and forwarding to the cognizant 
CCSDS technical personnel for analysis. So how would you SDTF folks feel 
about submitting all of your pre-RFP ideas through this route, so that we 
can all kick the tires *before* we do the test drive?

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