[Ccsds-omg-liaison] Program for Space Day in Athens

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Mar 8 22:52:31 EST 2005

At 01:25 PM 03/08/05, Kizzort, Brad wrote:
>Here is a tentative schedule so that CCSDS can
>plan and speakers can prepare for the Monday afternoon
>joint session.  OMG has several speakers already committed
>and Jon is working on the others.
>Monday, April 11th (Joint CCSDS/SDTF meeting)
> >1300 - Welcome from OMG (Richard Soley)
> >1308 - Welcome from CCSDS (TBD)
> >1315 - Summary of applicable RT activities (TBD)
> >1330 - UML 2.0 (probably Bran Selic)
> >1350 - MDA (Jon Siegel or other MDA guru)
> >1410 - OMG Process for Stds (Fred Waskiewicz)
> >1420 - OMG Membership (Nicole Rikkinen)
> >1430 - break (30 min)
> >1500 - Summary of SDTF activities (Gerry or Brad)
> >1520 - 1700 CCSDS timeslots

Brad: here's a repeat of the agenda outline that we agreed during our 02 
February telecon:
13:00 Welcoming address: Dr Richard Soley, OMG chair
13:15 Welcoming address: Mr. Robert Spearing, CMC meeting chair
13:30 UML presentation (space-focused)
       MDA presentation (space-focused)
       Real Time Services presentation (space-focused)
       SDTF overview presentation
15:00 Break
15:30 CCSDS overview presentation (Adrian Hooke)
       CCSDS-MOIMS presentation (Nestor Peccia)
       CCSDS-CSS presentation (Gerard Lapaian)
       CCSDS-SLS presentation (Jean-Luc Gerner)
       CCSDS-SIS presentation (Bob Durst)
       CCSDS-SOIS presentation (patrick Plancke)
       CCSDS-SE presentation (Peter Smaes)
17:00 Concluding remarks (Robert Spearing, Richard Soley)
17:15 Adjourn
The CCSDS slots are pretty much firm so as soon as you get the OMG schedule 
finalized we can go to press.


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