[Ccsds-omg-liaison] Proposed CCSDS Cross Support Transfer Service WG

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Feb 24 15:56:08 EST 2005

OMG-SDTF folks:

Attached is a draft charter for a proposed new CCSDS "Cross Support 
Transfer Service Working Group". Please comment on your interest in this work.

SUMMARY: The CCSDS has published recommendations for five Space Link 
Extension (SLE) Transfer Services.  Each of these recommendations contains 
nearly identical specifications for association, operations, and 
communications management.  Recently a number of new cross support services 
have been requested by member Agencies. Recommendations for these new 
services would repeat the redundant sections of the earlier recommendations 
if specified in the conventional manner.  The purpose of this Working Group 
is to develop the specification for a transfer service "tool kit" capable 
of supporting new services implementing each their own syntax. This Working 
Group, to be known as the Cross Support Transfer Service, would provide 
association, operations, and communications management capabilities for new 
data transfer service.  To demonstrate the use of this data type 
indifferent specification, this Working Group will develop recommendations 
for the SLE Tool Kit and the Guidelines describing the definition of new 
services. Once defined the SLE Tool Kit recommendation will be the basis of 
the definition of the Return Unframed Telemetry (RUFT) and Radiometric Data 
intended for use with the "tool kit".

Best regards
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