[cssm] Github TN - Updated draft (actions 231110-01, 231110-3 and 231110-4)

Colin Haddow Scotty.Consulting at Scotty-Enterprizes.com
Thu Nov 30 21:02:22 UTC 2023

Dear all,
               I have uploaded a new version of the Github TN to CWE. This can be found at the following URL;


and addresses in full or in part the following actions;

231110-01 "Update GitHub technote to include naming convention for hackathon repos and teams and sections as appropriate for new tooling (e.g., eclipse markdown editor)" - Naming conventions for Hackathon Repos and Teams have been added,  section on markdown editor has been added (see action 231110-03 below) and section on OpenAPI editor has been added (see action  231110-4 below).

231110-03 "Investigate eclipse mark down editors and report" - there are several add in for Eclipse that support to a greater of lesser extend the markdown syntax. Some however have not been updated for several years, one (supposidly tailored for GitHub markdown) no longer seems to be available, others are implemented by 1 man and his dog, one which supports pretty much all of both the Basic and Extended markdown syntax uses an external server to render the markdown onto a web browser but is very slow. All need to be installed via the Eclipse marketplace (which may have its own issues for some users, see action 231110-04 below). To cut a long story short my assessment is that the best choice for our purposes is the Mylyn WikiText editor which actually comes preinstalled in the Eclipse Modelling Framework, so nothing extra has to be installed. This fully supports the basic markdown syntax, but not the full extended syntax. See Annex F in the TN for more details.

231110-04 "Investigate eclipse OpenAPI editor" - there are 2 OpenAPI editors available in Eclipse. One, OpenAPI editor has a commercial license, which to all practical intents and  purposes rules it out. The second, OpenAPI (Swagger) Editor, appears (after a minimal examination (I need to play with it quite a lot more...) to have quite a large set of functionality - how useful this really is I can't say at the moment. There are a couple of points worth noting;

The OpenAPI (SWAGGER) Editor offers integration with the 42Cruch Platform. This needs to be investigated further to clarify what the possible benefits and implications would be, see;

        *   https://42crunch.com/

     *   The Editor has to be installed from the Eclipse Marketplace. During the installation procedure (documented in Annex G of the TN), along with the License acceptance form that is pretty standard when installing add-ins to Eclipse either via the marketplace or otherwise a "Trust Authorities" screen is displayed (see below). This is not unique to the OpenAPI (swagger) editor, similar screens were also displayed with all the markdown plug-ins installed via the marketplace.

This may need to be checked against the security policies of some of our organizations...

Further along in the installation a "Trust Artifacts" screen is displayed (again this is not unique to the OpenAPI (swagger) editor, similar screen were displayed with all the markdown plug-ins installed via the marketplace). Once again I fear that some organizations security policies may need to be checked to see if this is acceptable.


Whilst I think the first 2 actions can be closed, the third (231110-04) definitely needs further investigation.

For those of you that already have Papyrus and the XML Editors installed in your Eclipse Modelling Framework installation I would recommend that (even if you're ok with the Trust acceptance aspects) you don't yet install the OpenAPI (swagger) Editor. Reason for this is that the Papyrus installation incompatibilities that caused us some fun in Den Haag have not yet been fully resolved, so installing the OpenAPI (swagger) Editor (or pretty much anything else) will break Papyrus.

Eclipse has 4 releases a year, Papyrus doesn't make a new release for each Eclipse release, maybe for 2 or 3 of the Eclipse releases in a year. The next Eclipse release will be 2023-12 which I think should be available in early January, this will also include a new Papyrus release. The (probable) good news is that this should solve the problem. I tried installing one of the Papyrus nightly builds into the 2023-09 version of EMF and didn't run into the compatibility issues, so fingers crossed. Note that all the testing of markdown editors, openapi editors and different versions of EMF and Papyrus have been done in virtual machines (running windows 11) so I don't b*ll*x up my production environment

Cheers for now,


Dr. Colin R. Haddow

Scotty Consulting UG
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