REVIEW ITEM DISPOSITION (RID): RED BOOK RID INITIATION FORM AGENCY RID NUMBER: JAXA-PRA20-30-01 SUBMITTING ORGANIZATION (Agency, Center): JAXA ------------------------------------------------------------------ REVIEWER'S NAME: NAKADAI, Mitsuhiro CODE: E-MAIL ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: +81-50-3362-3534 ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOCUMENT NUMBER: CCSDS 231.0-P-3.1 Pink Sheets, Issue 3.1 DOCUMENT NAME: TC Synchronization and Channel Coding DATE ISSUED: November 2020 PAGE NUMBER: 2-7 and 2-8 PARAGRAPH NUMBER: - RID SHORT TITLE: Typographical error ------------------------------------------------------------------ DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTED CHANGE: (Use From: "..." To "..." format) It seems necessary to change the word from "Sending" to "Receiving" in the figure title. Figure 2-4: Internal Organization of the Sublayer at the "Sending" End, When BCH Coding is Used Figure 2-5: Internal Organization of the Sublayer at the "Sending" End, When LDPC Coding is Used ------------------------------------------------------------------ CATEGORY OF REQUESTED CHANGE: Technical Fact ___ Recommended ___ Editorial _X_ NOTES: TECHNICAL FACT: Major technical change of sufficient magnitude as to render the Recommendation inaccurate and unacceptable if not corrected. (Supporting analysis/rationale is essential.) RECOMMENDED: Change of a nature that would, if incorporated, produce a marked improvement in document quality and acceptance. EDITORIAL: Typographical or other factual error needing correction. (This type of change will be made without feedback to submitter.) ------------------------------------------------------------------ SUPPORTING ANALYSIS: ------------------------------------------------------------------ DISPOSITION: Agreed, the labels of Figure 2-4 and 2-5 shall report "Receiving" instead of "Sending"