REVIEW ITEM DISPOSITION (RID): RED BOOK RID INITIATION FORM AGENCY RID NUMBER: SUBMITTING ORGANIZATION (Agency, Center): NASA/JSC ------------------------------------------------------------------ REVIEWER'S NAME: Christopher Woodland CODE: E-MAIL ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOCUMENT NUMBER: CCSDS 734.2-P-1.1 Pink Book, Issue 1.1 DOCUMENT NAME: CCSDS Bundle Protocol Specification DATE ISSUED: April 2023 PAGE NUMBER: 3-2 PARAGRAPH NUMBER: RID SHORT TITLE: Minimum Supported Bundle Size Examples ------------------------------------------------------------------ DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTED CHANGE: (Use From: "..." To "..." format) Add details that show considerations for minimum size have been considered for network implementation. The Note that disposition of larger bundles is implementation-specific needs to be augmented to show that the impacts of this large bundle size have been considered for the various ways that networks could meet this requirement with the convergence layers. Its difficult to understand how an UDP or SPP Convergence-Layer would satisfy this requirement. It would be helpful to provide examples based on the CLAs specified in this document. ------------------------------------------------------------------ CATEGORY OF REQUESTED CHANGE: Technical Fact ___ Recommended ___ Editorial ___ NOTES: TECHNICAL FACT: Major technical change of sufficient magnitude as to render the Recommendation inaccurate and unacceptable if not corrected. (Supporting analysis/rationale is essential.) RECOMMENDED: Change of a nature that would, if incorporated, produce a marked improvement in document quality and acceptance. EDITORIAL: Typographical or other factual error needing correction. (This type of change will be made without feedback to submitter.) ------------------------------------------------------------------ SUPPORTING ANALYSIS: ------------------------------------------------------------------ DISPOSITION: