[Sis-dtn] SIS-DTN Meeting tomrrow: discuss BPsec

Keith Scott keithlscott at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 14:41:22 UTC 2023

OK, in collecting BPsec information to try to get a resolution to Tomaso I
think we're not there yet.

I think the largest outstanding item is Annex D where we tried to profile
the IETF default security contexts.  I think that if we profile in changes
to e.g. the key lengths as Mehmet suggests, that would define a NEW
security context that we'd need to register w/ IANA.  So I think our
options are:

1. Remove annex D and simply reference the IETF default security contexts;
define CCSDS-specific security contexts in TBD new documents.

2. Proceed with a profile as in annex D and use that to register NEW
security contexts with IANA (essentially the existing IANA ones with our
profile changes).

3. Work to define new CCSDS security contexts, replace Annex D with those,
and use it to register the new contexts w/ IANA.

I KNOW we talked about this, but I'm having difficulty getting at my older
notes at the moment.  I THINK we opted for option 1.

And we need to go over Annex A (PICS).

Also, does anybody (APL?) have the original art for the figures in the
book?  If not we'll have to recreate them.

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