[Sea-sa] [EXTERNAL] Re: SEA-SA: DRAFT Minutes of RASDS++ Working Meetings, 18 & 20 Oct 2021

Shames, Peter M (US 312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Oct 21 00:26:42 UTC 2021

Hi Robert,

Thanks for the feedback.

On the VUE tool, both Costin and I tried to download the Mac version.  There is one, so that much is true, but it is a 32-bit app, which Apple no longer supports, and it requires a 3 version old Java install.  Not at all viable.

I think we all agree that we have to go over the definitions and the ontology diagrams.  If you have time to review and comment that would be a welcome contribution.  I recognize that you are driving in your own direction and that this may just be a distraction.

The enterprise / system ontology, such as it is right now, is on pgs 43-45 in the 16Oct21 file.

Thanks, Peter

From: SEA-SA <sea-sa-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> on behalf of SEA-SA <sea-sa at mailman.ccsds.org>
Reply-To: Robert Rovetto <ontologos at yahoo.com>
Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 3:12 PM
To: SEA-SA <sea-sa at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Sea-sa] SEA-SA: DRAFT Minutes of RASDS++ Working Meetings, 18 & 20 Oct 2021

Here's some additions, questions, suggestions:

1) Correct the bullet point talking about the tool I mentioned.
It has a MAC version: https://vue.tufts.edu/download<https://urldefense.us/v3/__https:/vue.tufts.edu/download__;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!ZTeVd-9MjOlMsAR59ecxaA7SAdgJkMGmYg4deMOc-xJKHVodegvsDshhvpQJN94hzOSOKWaq$>.
I am also waiting for replies from VUE about the functionalities we spoke about. I sent an email, and opened a GitHub question.

2) Typo correction: from "relations ships" to "relationships"

3) I suggest going over (again?) ontology diagrams and selected definitions.

4) Please feel free to add my name to the Forward Plan list, specifically the Ontology models bullet-point.
(FYI: I'll help as much as I can, but since I'm urgently looking for work or a PhD study opportunity, I can't say the amount.)

5) Question: What is the Enterprise / System ontology mentioned in one of the bullet-points? And would you send me the file, please?

Unrelated: If anyone is interested in attending a Nov 3 presentation I'm giving in an Esa workshop, please contact me.

Robert Rovetto
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On Wednesday, October 20, 2021, 05:56:06 PM EDT, Shames, Peter M (US 312B) via SEA-SA <sea-sa at mailman.ccsds.org> wrote:

Dear SEA-SA RASDS++ crew,

Please review the attached DRAFT minutes and provide any needed feedback, updates, errata, etc.

In particular please look at the “Forward Plan” items at the end.  I have made some trial assignments of tasks.  I am willing to do a lot of the lifting, but I really need help.  Please see if you can commit to getting done what I have outlined.

Thanks, Peter

SEA-SA RASDS++ working meeting on 18 October 21

Attendees: Huang, Krosley, Radulescu, Rovetto, Sanchez – Aguillar, Shames, Stangl, Vaden

Review of revised RASDS++ Powerpoint Materials (Function, Connectivity, Operation) – led by Shames & Radulescu

  *   Reviewed the 16 Oct 21 version of the RASDS++ PPT materials, with focus on overall coverage, consistency of presentation, terminology
  *   Stangl made the point that the ECSS has a separate working effort to define a set of Euro-centric terms in a Glossary.  He was requested to review those terms, and the RASDS proposed ones, and identify any overlaps or disconnects.  The point was also made that RASDS has chosen to align terminology to widely adopted and respected sources such as ISO 42010, NIST, TOGAF, DoDAF, and others.  The point was made in a later discussion (during the 20 Oct meeting) that in general there seldom is any single source that provides all of the desired terms and that some “detective work” and revising has been needed to create a single self-consistent, set of terms.
  *   Agreed during review to retain the viewpoint main object diagrams that show the main objects, input, output and management interfaces, main attributes, and concerns.
  *   During discussion of the Communications Viewpoint (protocols) agreed that we needed a simpler diagram in addition to the rather complicated one that was included as an example. This later led to adoption of this same general approach for all viewpoints.
  *   In the complicated protocol example that had been included we agreed (during 20 Oct discussion) to retain some of the security features, but to eliminate at least one of the three security approaches that were included.  All agreed that security is a very important topic, and that it had to be treated adequately.
  *   We spent some time on the Operations Viewpoint and reviewed the Activity Diagram that had been provided as an example.  This brought up a discussion of consistency in the use of object representations across different views.  This UML-derived Activity diagram adopted the UML style, which used rounded rectangles for Functions and rectangles for data.  But the RASDS unified “Legend”, pg 10, uses ovals to represent Functions and rounded rectangles to represent Data / Information objects.
  *   A separate working session was held by Radulsecu, Rovetto, and Shames, on 19 Oct, to explore ways to improve this Activity Diagram.  The result is in the 20 Oct PPT set, and it uses ovals, rounded rectangles, and dashed arrows, to align with the common practice documented in the Legend.
  *   Rovetto showed an ontology diagram produced with a tools called VUE and suggested that we explore use of it for the RASDS ontology diagrams.  Rovetto, Radulescu, and Shames explored this during their side meeting and concluded that this tool had some nice presentation features, but that it did not appear to have the ability to handle the OWL formulations that we have created.  It also only works on PCs and not on the more current Mac OS’s, so it is unlikely to meet our needs for an interoperable format / approach.
  *   => A common and agreed method for producing these ontologies is still desired, other options are solicited
  *   For the Operations Viewpoint we will also need a less complicated example diagram than the one provided
  *   The Activity Diagram, which is an example of use showing what is, in effect, a deep space style mission operations flow, was the subject of a lot of discussion.  There was a stated concern that it was not really accurate, that it did not include comm network activities nor science activities, and that it was missing some typical data flows.  All of these observations are likely accurate, but we have to remember that this is just an example of how this method may be used, it is not intended to accurately depict any given configuration or deployment.

SEA-SA RASDS working meeting on 20 October 21

Attendees: Huang, Krosley, Radulescu, Shames, Slane, Stangl, Vaden

Review of revised RASDS++ Powerpoint Materials (Enterprise, Connectivity, Operations, Service) – led by Shames & Slane

  *   Reviewed the 18 Oct 21 updated version of the RASDS++ PPT materials, with a continuing focus on overall coverage, consistency of presentation, terminology
  *   Reviewed the consistency in the package across different viewpoints, seeking to ensure a consistent presentation of different views and levels of detail
  *   Agreed on the following pattern for each viewpoint

     *   Each viewpoint will have a main object diagram that shows the primary object defined in the viewpoint, input, output and management interfaces, main attributes, and concerns.
     *   Each viewpoint will have a “drawing template” diagram showing two (or more) of the objects, the elements that they may include or directly reference, and how the usual relationships between them are depicted.  These are all in the abstract.
     *   Each viewpoint will have a constrained ontological diagram showing the main object, close “neighbor” objects, and closely related support objects in context, with relationships
     *   Each viewpoint will have a simple example diagram showing the use of the drawing template to create a relatively simple model
     *   Each viewpoint will have a more complex example view, probably drawn from one of the SCCS-ARD or ASL documents, showing use of the viewpoint methods to create a more complicated, realistic, view of some typical real elements, in context

  *   Motivated by the complicated protocol stack diagram, which includes a number of security protocols (data encryption, BP network layer security, and IPSEC IP layer security) we discussed removing the IPSEC, but also how to handle security in more general terms

     *   Agreed to do a pass across the whole document with “security eyes” on, to ensure that we have adequately supported cybersecurity modeling needs in the model methods & views that are provided
     *   Ensure that security topics were included in each complicated example where that made sense
     *   Keeping in mind that we are producing an architecture method and not an architecture, per se

  *   Reviewed the Enterprise Viewpoint with Fred Slane’s guidance since this is a specific SC14 concern

     *   Agreed to adopt many of the “enterprise architecture” terms that were provided, but to ensure that the term “Enterprise” was used in every case instead of “Business”
     *   Agreed that the term “Enterprise” was suitably broad enough to cover agencies, projects, multi-mission consortia, government organizations, businesses, and other commercial entities
     *   Reviewed the combines Enterprise / System ontology and agreed that this was a useful way of describing the relations ships (really correspondences) between objects in two different viewpoints
     *   This triggered a discussion of how these ontologies, classes, and relationships among classes relate to math, knowledge graphs, first order logic, and graph theory.  This is not a rabbit hole we will explore, but it does have relevance.

  *   Reviewed the Operations Viewpoint and Ontology

     *   Agreed that we need to provide the same sorts of intro diagrams for this VP as for the others in this set
     *   Agreed that the revised example provided by Rovetto, Radulsecu, and Shames aligns better with the rest of the RASDS++ style
     *   Agreed that we need a cleaner ontology diagram than either of the ones that we now have

  *   Reviewed the Services Viewpoint

     *   Agreed that the prototype service diagram was acceptable, but that it needed some clean-up (in draft form)
     *   Agreed that we should focus the Services viewpoint not just on SOA-style service paradigms, but also include options like on-board message bus, AMS, and web/cloud deployments

  *   Forward plan

     *   Add / update diagrams to meet agreed contents from this meeting

        *   Main object diagrams (all) – Shames
        *   Drawing template diagrams (all) – Shames
        *   Ontology models: Enterprise – Shames/Slane; Functional – Shames; Connectivity & Structural – Krosley/Slane; Operations – Radulescu; Information & Service - Shames
        *   Enterprise Examples – Slane
        *   Functional Examples – Shames
        *   Connectivity Examples – Shames/Krosley
        *   Structural Examples – Krosely
        *   Operations Examples – Radulsecu
        *   Information Examples – Krosley
        *   Service Examples – Shames/Slane

     *   Security “eyes” review – Shames/Radulescu/Sanchez-Aguillar

Next meeting – 2’nd Monday of the month, 8 Nov 2021

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