[Moims-mp] MP&S WG meeting 04/07/2023 minutes

Peter Van Der Plas Peter.van.der.Plas at esa.int
Wed Jul 5 09:30:41 UTC 2023

Dear all,

Please find below the minutes of the MP&S WG meeting from yesterday. Let me know if I missed something.

Best regards,



Subject: Mission Planning & Scheduling WG meeting
Date and time: 4 July 2023, 16:00 - 18:00 CET
Location: WebEx

Attendance list

- Peter van der Plas (ESA, chair)
- Christoph Lenzen (DLR)
- Clément Hubin (CNES)
- Dominik Marszk (ESA)
- Maria Woerle (DLR)
- Marvin Wittschen (DLR)
- Olly Page (UKSA)
- Roger Thompson (ESA)


1. Blue Book draft H5 comments
2. Blue Book Agencies Review planning
3. AOB


1.  Blue Book draft H5 comments

Roger provided a table with all comments and changes on the Blue Book draft H5. This is mainly feedback from the prototyping at DLR and changes to the MAL BB due to their Agencies Review.

Roger is currently implementing the changes. A number of selected comments requiring WG consensus were discussed and agreed during the meeting and recorded in Roger's table (to be provided). There is an ACTION on Roger to update his internal working version of the BB and provide draft I to the WG (including the table) in the near term (next week before his leave, if possible). After this, the WG is invited to provide a final check of the implemented changes. If needed, Roger will then provide an up-issue I2 with the final agreed changes. This would then finalise the BB as input to the Agencies Review.

Roger will attend the SM&C WG meeting today, to get confirmed some of the final changes to the MAL that impact the MP&S book.

Maria noted that there were some editorial changes to draft H5 that should be considered by Roger. Apparently, these changes are visible in the comment tracking of the document. Peter took an ACTION to perform a diff on the document and provide Roger with the full list of changes, to be considered in draft I.

The latest Blue Book (currently draft H5) can be found in "Current Working Documents" here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Q0Xzg6-kUWA4Y27W0MtHvMi--vBHb9hU

2. Blue Book Agencies Review planning

The Blue Book draft I (or up-issue I2 if needed) will be available later in July as an input to the Agencies Review, starting with the submission of the book to MOIMS-AD.

Together with the BB, also the following artefacts may require update:
- EA Model (already being addressed by Roger)
- XML Schemas export from EA and conversion (by Peter), and subsequent upload to the SANA (beta) Registry.
- XML Service Specification generation from the BB and checking with the MAL (Cesar), and subsequent upload to the SANA (beta) Registry.
- Collection of the BB images, from EA (hi-res bitmap graphics for now) and drawings (vector graphics) - to be checked if the current package is still up-to-date

5. AOB

There was no prototyping meeting recently. Peter to address this with Dominik. Guillermo has partly updated the XL table of the Yellow Book, but this was not provided to the WG yet. Guillermo is in the short term busy with the Euclid mission (launched last Saturday 1 July). Peter will discuss with Guillermo the way forward on this and provide a feasible planning to the WG. ACTION on Peter to agree the way forward on the Prototyping with Dominik (and Cesar) and Guillermo.

The next MP&S WG meeting is planned for Wednesday 9 August, 16:00 - 18:00 CET. The next prototyping meeting is still to be planned.

Best regards,


ESA - European Space Agency

Peter van der Plas
EGSE and Ground Systems section (TEC-SWG)
Directorate of Technology, Engineering and Quality

Keplerlaan 1, PO Box 299, NL-2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Peter.van.der.Plas at esa.int<mailto:Peter.van.der.Plas at esa.int> | www.esa.int<http://www.esa.int/>
Phone +31 71 565 5848 | Fax +31 71 565 5420 | Mobile +31 6 51 93 44 30

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