[Moims-dai] differentiate between a request to return all of the resources and to return all of the resource ids

Hughes, J S (US 398B) john.s.hughes at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Apr 30 14:43:35 UTC 2024

in an open API design, how do you differentiate between a request to return all of the resources and to return all of the resource ids
In designing an open API, clarity and consistency in endpoint design are paramount to ensure ease of use for developers and interoperability across different systems. Differentiating between a request to return all resources and one to return only resource IDs can be achieved through thoughtful endpoint naming and documentation.
Here's how you could approach it:

  1.  Endpoint Naming Convention: Use descriptive and intuitive naming conventions for endpoints to clearly convey their purpose. For instance:
     *   To return all resources: /resources
     *   To return only resource IDs: /resource-ids
  2.  Query Parameters: Utilize query parameters to specify the desired behavior of the endpoint. For example:
     *   For returning all resources: /resources?include=full
     *   For returning only resource IDs: /resources?include=ids
  3.  HTTP Methods: Leverage HTTP methods to signify the intent of the request. While this method is more commonly used for CRUD operations, it can also be applied creatively. For instance:
     *   Use GET for retrieving all resources: GET /resources
     *   Use a custom HTTP method like GET_ALL_IDS for retrieving only resource IDs: GET_ALL_IDS /resources
  4.  Response Payload: Ensure that the response payload is consistent with the request type. For example:
     *   When requesting all resources, return the complete resource objects.
     *   When requesting only resource IDs, return a list or array containing only the IDs.
  5.  Documentation: Clearly document the endpoints and their intended behavior in your API documentation. This includes specifying how to request all resources versus only resource IDs.
By adopting these practices, developers interacting with your API will have a clear understanding of how to make requests for retrieving all resources or only resource IDs. This clarity fosters better integration and usage of your API within various applications and systems.

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