Dear CMC Members,<br><br>
A new CMC poll has been posted to the CWE:<br><br>
- CMC-P-2017-03-001 Authorization to release CCSDS 523.2-R-1, Mission
Operations Message Abstraction Layer—C++ API (Red Book, Issue 1) for
CCSDS Agency review<br><br>
This poll can be accessed via the following link:<br><br>
<a href="https://public.ccsds.org/polls/SitePages/CMC%20Open%20Polls.aspx">
The closure date for these polls is <b>10 March 2017</b>.<br><br>
<b>NOTE: In order to make it possible to complete review of this document
prior to the spring meetings, the <u>polling period has been shortened to
five days</u>.<br>