Dear CESG Members,<br><br>
The closure date for the following polls is <b>3 May 2021</b>:<br><br>
- CESG-P-2021-04-001 Approval to release CCSDS 355.0-P-1.1, Space Data
Link Security Protocol (Pink Sheets, Issue 1.1) for CCSDS Agency
- CESG-P-2021-04-002 Approval to release CCSDS 520.1-P-1.1, Mission
Operations Reference Model (Pink Book, Issue 1.1) for CCSDS Agency
- CESG-P-2021-04-003 Approval to publish CCSDS 902.1-B-1 Cor. 1,
Technical Corrigendum 1 to CCSDS 902.1-B-1, Issued May 2018<br>
- CESG-P-2021-04-004 Approval to publish CCSDS 505.0-B-2, XML
Specification for Navigation Data Messages (Blue Book, Issue 2)<br>
- CESG-P-2021-04-005 Approval to publish CCSDS 509.0-B-1 Cor. 1,
Technical Corrigendum 1 to CCSDS 509.0-B-1, Issued February 2018<br><br>
These polls can be accessed via the following link:<br><br>
<a href="https://public.ccsds.org/polls/SitePages/CESG%20Open%20Polls.aspx" eudora="autourl">