[CESG] Resolution CSS-R-2023-06-002 Publication of SLE RAF

Barkley, Erik J (US 3970) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Jun 9 00:17:49 UTC 2023

Dear CCSDS Secretariat,

Attached and also listed below, please find a resolution for publication of  CCSDS 911.1, SLE - RAF.

Best regards,

CSS-R-2023-06-002, Resolution for Publication regarding SLE - RAF (CCSDS 911.1)

The CSS Area,

CONSIDERING that the CCSDS Recommended Standard SPACE LINK EXTENSION- RETURN ALL FRAMES SERVICE SPECIFICATION, CCSDS 911.1-B-4 is due for a 5-year refresh;

and NOTING that the agency reviews have been completed;

and RECOGNIZING that the Cross-Support Transfer Services WG has updated the recommended standard with respect to all changes necessary for the accepted RIDs;

RESOLVES that the recommendation be published as Blue Book Issue 5;

And REQUESTS that the CCSDS Secretariat initiate the required CESG and CMC publication polling.

[End Resolution]

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