[CESG] SEA-R-2017-02-001 Request to approve authorizing a corrigendum to modify the Conjunction Data Message Blue Book

Shames, Peter M (312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Mar 8 21:39:07 UTC 2018

Dear CCSDS Secretariat,

Please find attached the SEA / SSG resolution to request approval authorizing a corrigendum to modify the existing Conjunction Data Message (CDM) Blue Book.  The change is barely more than editorial in nature, but it does have a technical component in that it changes the text in Table 3-1 to point to the new SANA Organization registry and in Table 3-3 to point to a new SANA registry for CDM catalogs.

These changes are to comply with the CCSDS Registry Management Policy (RMP), dated May 2016, which requires new and modified standards to use the new registries.

Please concur in publishing this as a Corrigendum.

Thanks, Peter Shames


SEA-R-2017-02-001  Request to approve authorizing a corrigendum to modify the Conjunction Data Message Blue Book

The System Engineering Area,


The Navigation Working Group has developed a corrigendum to their Conjunction Data Message document, and that

The corrigendum aligns the revised document with the CCSDS Registry Management Policy (RMP), CCSDS 313.1-Y-1, and that

The technical changes are otherwise modest in nature and suitable for being published as a corrigendum, and that

The new registries are in place in the SANA and ready to be used.


The SEA Area Director is responsible for requesting approval of SANA related changes, and that

The CCSDS Organization and Processes (A02.1-Y-4 cor 2) in Section requires that the AD request CESG authorization to publish a corrigendum.

RESOLVES to request:

That the Secretariat initiate the CESG review to approve publication of the attached corrigendum.

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