[CESG] Resolution MOIMS-SM&C WG-R-2015-03-01, 02, 03

Mario.Merri at esa.int Mario.Merri at esa.int
Fri Mar 27 18:09:08 UTC 2015

Dear CESG chair,

The following resolutions have been approved by the MOIMS AD. Please 
apologise for the initial mistake due to inexperience.

Best regards,


MOIMS-SM&C WG-R-2015-03-01, Resolution concerning approval of project 
resources for the MOIMS Area, 

CONSIDERING that the approved charter of the MOIMS SM&C WG includes as one 
of its goals (GOAL 2) the specifications of the bindings and encodings to 
be used for MO Services, 

and RECOGNISING that adequate resources for the start of the project has 
been granted by ESA and  CNES (see below) taking into account that the new 
projects will largely inherit from previous CCSDS projects and rely on 
already available results from external ESA and  CNES projects, 
REQUESTS that the CCSDS Secretariat initiate a CMC poll for approval of 
the resources for the following projects as defined in the CWE framework:
·       Project: Mission Operations - ZeroMQ Transport and CNES Binary 
Encoding, Blue Book: CNES Editor and Prototype 1 (
·       Project:  Mission Operations ? HTTP Transport and XML Encoding, 
Blue Book: ESA Editor and Prototype 1 (
·       Project:  Mission Operations - TCP/IP Transport and Split Binary 
Encoding, Blue Book: ESA Editor and Prototype 1 (

MOIMS-SM&C WG-R-2015-03-02, Resolution concerning approval of project 
resources for the MOIMS Area, 
CONSIDERING that the approved charter of the MOIMS SM&C WG includes as one 
of its goals the specifications of a core set of MO Services, including 
the Mission Data Product Distribution Services
and RECOGNISING that adequate resources for the start of the project has 
been granted by ESA (see below) taking into account that the new project 
will inherit from previous CCSDS projects and rely on already available 
results from external ESA project,
REQUESTS that the CCSDS Secretariat initiate a CMC poll for approval of 
the resources for the following project as defined in the CWE framework :
·       Project: Mission Operations - Mission Data Product Distribution 
Services, Blue Book: ESA Editor and Prototype 1 (

MOIMS-SM&C WG-R-2015-03-03, Resolution concerning approval of project 
resources for the MOIMS Area, 
CONSIDERING that the MOIMS SM&C WG has agreed to host the book with the 
specifications of the Correlated Data Generation
and RECOGNISING that adequate resources for the start of the project has 
been granted by FSA
REQUESTS that the CCSDS Secretariat initiate a CMC poll for approval of 
the resources for the following project as defined in the CWE framework :
·       Project: Correlated Data Generation, Orange Book: FSA Editor (

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